Taylor Caniff imagine Part 10

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I was sitting in the hospital cafeteria at a table alone. The only viners that didn't leave the hospital were Shawn, Cameron and Nash.
They were sitting at a table on the other side of the room.
I looked at the three of them and then made eye contact with Shawn. I signalled him to come to my table, making it clear that I wanted to talk to him. He said something to the boys and then walked over to me.
"I heard what happened with Austin" Shawn said considerately.
"He was asking for it. He made fun of Taylor and me"
"That doesn't really give you the excuse to hit him." Shawn said with a chortle.
"Yea and being drunk doesn't give you the excuse to give your now-ex-girlfriend a concussion and almost throw a guy off a balcony." I raised my eyebrows at Shawn.
"That true. Hey, talking about Taylor, I visited his room this morning and hes awake" Shawn said casually.
"Are you serious? What- why didn't anyone tell me?!" I said so quickly I could barely make out the words.
"Other than your parents, I bet you haven't talked to anyone today"
"Whatever, anyways, is he still in the same room?"
"No he was switched to room 206"
"Thanks so much, Shawn" I said as I started to get up from my chair. I gave him a hug and then left the cafeteria.
I paced down the halls, Room 206, Room 206, Room 206.
I passed by my room but was then stopped by my doctor.
"Y/N, remember that you have a quick check up in 2 hours. By tomorrow morning you will be discharged from the hospital."
"Alright" I said, barely giving him the time of day.
I continued to rush down the halls, until finally, I reached room 206. I rushed in the room but I was welcomed by an empty hospital bed.
"Looking for someone?" I heard a beautiful voice say from behind me. That beautiful voice belonged to the one and only, Taylor.
"TAYLOR!" I exclaimed as I gave him a big hug. My joy was pouring out of me.
Except something felt odd, he didn't hug me back. I pulled back and held his arms. I was so happy but confused at the same time. I looked at him with worried eyes. "Taylor, whats wrong?"
He let go of my grip and sat on his hospital bed. He looked sad and deep in thought. "Y/N I don't know, just everything. Like seriously, how could you even ask me whats wrong even though you fully know that everythings wrong." Great, well isn't this just amazing. I mentally face-palmed myself. He was pissed at me about the entire situation. 
"Taylor I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't think things would get so out of hand with Austin." Tears were forming in my eyes while I was saying this.
Taylor stood up infront of me. "Well guess what Y/N, things did get 'so out of hand'. So you know what, why don't you just leave." I was so shocked when he said this. This wasn't Taylor at all. He was usually understanding. 
"Taylor, I'm sorry please please please don't do this. We can talk about this and make things better." My hands were shaking and I was trying so hard to fight off the tears but they just kept coming.
I didn't seriously think Taylor would do this. I love him so much and this was just a small obstacle we had to get over.
"Taylor, we can forget all about Austin. We can pretend that night never happened. I don't want to lose you again Taylor."
"Its easy for you to pretend it never happened, because you weren't the one that paid the price, I am" Taylor was on the verge of crying too. I could see his eyes watering.
"Taylor plea-" I was cut off by him yelling at me.
"Y/N just leave, just go, I don't want to see you anymore. Bye." Taylor walked up to the door and opened it. He nodded his head towards the door.
I didn't move. I couldn't move. I feel as if my heart was just ripped out of my chest.
"Leave!"  he yelled again.
I flinched at his loud voice but slowly got up.
"Goodbye, Taylor" I said with a sorrow-filled voice.


She walked out and I sat on my bed.
That was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. Seeing her filled with sorrow was absolutely heartbreaking, but, this whole situation had nothing to do with Dr. Boschee's advice.
As much as it hurt, what just happened was all my choice.

Taylor Caniff ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now