|26| •The Bond of Diary Entries•

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She gasped for breath as she strolled through the room, staring widely at the diary before her. Sana recorded all the dates of the transactions on her phone before heading to the Sen mansion. She was hundred and one percent sure that her dad's diary would have something regarding these transactions or she was hoping to find out the connection between both the families.

'What's the point?' A voice in her brain chided. 'He is going to leave you in a month either way.'

She cringed vividly at the direction of her thoughts as a throbbing pain built in her heart, burning her chest like it was on fire, "Gosh! Aarav what are you doing to me?"

She yearned for someone to sort the mess in her life. She shrugged off her feelings and proceeded home. The entire ride was a blur, streets passed by like air, and within minutes, her feet were carrying her towards her parent's room. She took a sharp breath in, quietly opening the diary.

25th January 2000

When I step back for a moment right now, I realize that life couldn't be any better. I wish that my entire life would be a vacation where I can do nothing more than go on morning jogs, swim the beaches, eat random things for lunch, stroll in the casino, spend all my time with Sana. I can take decisions in life without having to worry about how they would affect my business, my family or me in the near future. The worst part of all this is that, this is going to last merely for another two days before I am thrown back into a world of chaos.

Sana gasped for breath as she ran a finger down the wet page. She hadn't realized that she was crying, until now when the page was drenched with her salty tears. She missed her parents. The moment they left her side, she messed her life up. Now, she was amongst such a mess that she didn't know how to pull herself out. If they were here, they would guide her. They would help her. They would stand by her side.

She gently turned the page around and wrapped her head around the words.

29th January 2000

Just three days back from my vacation and I could already see my next hasty year ahead of me. I can hardly take out the time to take Sana to her painting spot. This makes me wonder... what kind of father am I? Sonia kept asking me to relax and calm down but I can't. Although I am the owner of the biggest business in the world, I have more problems to deal with than a common man. I regret my choices everyday but now that I am in the fire, I cannot turn back.

Sana could see the regret in his words. The diary entries were short but held more meaning than a whole book. She remember seeing her dad extremely remorseful around these years but she didn't understand why. And she still couldn't. What did he mean that he was in the fire and he couldn't turn back? A faint smile tugged her lips as those were exactly her words to Aarav a few months ago.

She skimmed through the next few diary entries where the regret of her dad was practically killing him but she had no idea why was he regretful. She didn't remember anything bad happening to the business or the family at that point of the year. Then why was her dad so upset? At the end of the fourth diary entry, her knees buckled down and she crumpled onto the floor, taking the diary with her. The tears were pricking down her skin vigorously and her pain increases tremendously.

She couldn't do this anymore. She just couldn't. She could feel her heart tug her with sadness as she read the diary. Her aunt said that it was important and will eventually suppress her pain but all she could feel was sorrow that she felt when she heard their death news. She pulled out her phone from the strap of her skirt and unlocked it.

She scrolled through the photos to see the date of the first transaction: 15th February 2000.

She dashed to the month of February to see entries of fourth, seventh, eighth and fourteenth. An excitement washed through her as she read through the Valentine's day entry.

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