What's His Problem?

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A heavy pounding sounded on Riley's bedroom door and she awoke with a start

"Riles! Wake up! We're gonna be late!" Roman said, his incessant knocking, continuing

"Alright Ro, I'm up," she answered, rolling her eyes

"Good, and your eyes are gonna fall out if you keep rolling them," Roman said from the other side of the door, his laugh following him down the hallway

Riley's jaw dropped, how did he always do that? She groaned as she threw her covers off and got up, her warm feet hitting the cool carpet as she trudged into her bathroom

She sighed, pulling her flannel over her black vest and walked downstairs seeing Roman sitting with two bowls of cereal in front of him, his spoon digging into one

"Breakfast club?" She asked, looking at the note on the counter that was obviously from their mom

"Yeah, the girls picked her up," Roman said, shovelling another spoon into his mouth and gesturing to where her bowl was

After they'd eaten, they began their walk to school since their dad took the car this morning

"Oh hey, Riles, I forgot to tell you," Roman began, making Riley look over

"Seth and Dean's coming over later," he told her, she instantly rolled her eyes

"I still don't understand how you're friends with that kid," she said, brushing back her jet black hair as it blew in her face

"And I still don't understand why you don't like him," Roman said, amusingly

Roman looked at her and smiled as she kissed her teeth

"It's not like I don't like him, it's more like I can't stand him," she replied, half shrugging as they made their way into school and over to Roman's locker which she leaned against, holding her math book as Roman took out his football play book and looked through the plays the coach wanted them to learn

"They'll be over for 5, can you catch a ride home?" he asked, briefly glancing up

"I can ask one of the girls, I can't believe you're abandoning your baby sister to hang out with Cruella Deville and The Joker, is there no justice in this world?" Riley said dramatically, smirking

Roman playfully pushed her shoulder and smiled widely

"Look tuafafine, we'll hang out whenever but remember, I have football practice this evening, so if when you get back to the house and Dean reaches before me or Seth, I want you to be on your best behavior. You hear me?" Roman said, looking serious

Riley just smirked

"Okay tuagane, I'll try not to rip his earring out," she replied, making Roman chuckle and shake his head

"You're an idiot Riles," Roman said, smiling fondly at his 7 month younger baby sister

"Riles, where have you been girl, we're hanging out later," Riley's best friend, Nikki Bella said, catching Riley's elbow

"Can I ride with you later? We'll hang out at my place," Riley told her, waving to Roman as Seth walked up to him

"Sure girly," Nikki replied, going into a monologue about her and her boyfriend John.

Riley and John were cool so she just smiled and listened, until she felt eyes burning through the side of her head and she furrowed her eyebrows and turned back to where Roman was, thinking it was him that was staring at her

But what she saw, wasn't her brother's matching steely grey eyes that were identical to hers, but bright, blue eyes that were staring into her grey ones, she gave him a confused look, before she turned back when Nikki spoke, when Nikki checked her phone, Riley glanced back to see if he was still looking at her, only to realize he had gone back into conversation with Roman and Seth

He glanced at her and she glanced back, before they looked away at the same time and back to their respective conversations

"What was his problem?" Nikki asked her, catching on to Dean's staring

Riley shook her head and shrugged at the question before they made their way to their shared class

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