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Riley marched down the corridor, Nikki hot on her trail. It was 8 in the morning when Riley's anger flared, she saw Charlotte, then saw red when she saw Charlotte huddling close to Dolph freaking Ziggler of all people. He was the biggest male slut in school.

"Riley. Stop," Nikki said, running to catch up while pulling down her skirt when it rode up

"This is the bleach blonde bitch you dumped my brother for?!" Riley asked angrily as she came to a stop in front of Dolph and Charlotte

"Whoa whoa, bleach blonde-" Dolph began

"Listen here you scrawny ass loser, you better shut your freaking ass up before you eat a knuckle sandwich, besides this doesn't concern you tramp." Riley spat bitterly at Dolph watching as he scurried off

"That's the pansy you broke up with my brother for?" Riley asked incredulously

"Look Riles, you don't know anything, Roman just wasn't my type, so," Charlotte said, shrugging 

"Char, Roman loves you." Riley tried

"Riley, I never loved Roman. I was just using him as a way of getting into the cheerleading squad," Charlotte said, not making eye contact with Riley

Riley felt anger flare in her body as she registered Charlotte's words. She yelled and surged forward reaching for Charlotte when two muscular arms, one having a familiar tribal tattoo wrapped around her body and held her back

She reached out a bit more and punched Charlotte straight in the cheekbone making her recoil and draw back, feigning injury

Riley found herself pushed backwards and she fell on her ass as she looked up shocked at Roman who was giving her a hard glare while he tended to Charlotte, who looked shocked as Roman pushed Riley back with a great force

Even the small crowd that had gathered around them were dead silent. Everyone in the school knew of the sibling bond between Roman and Riley and of the playful physicality of them both, but this was too much.

Dean caught his bearings and jogged forward bundling a shocked Riley in his arms as she couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene she was witnessing. This was insane! How could Roman choose Charlotte over her?

She got up with Dean's help and spent the next period crying into his chest, replaying everything, only making the tears come faster and nearly showed no sign of stopping. It was heart breaking to see how hard she was taking it and right now, Dean wanted to punch Roman for making his girl and Roman's own freaking sister, hurt this way.

But he just continued rubbing her shoulder and whispering to her. At least he was there when she needed him. And that's what was important to him

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