He's Really Trying

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Dean watched as Riley stormed inside and up to her room, then Roman came in looking so down it was hard for him to see where up was

As Roman sat down and watched the movie, not saying anything at all

Dean sighed and excused himself, saying he was going to the bathroom, well, he didn't reach, cuz he made a beeline for Riley's room, he knew, it was risky but he had to make sure she was okay

He took a breath as he reached, thanking god her room was at the end of the hallway, where Roman and Seth couldn't see him
He knocked quietly, he didn't think she heard it, but he soon heard a reply

"I don't wanna see you Roman." She said from the other side of the door

Dean bit his lip, okay, this was serious. He knew the siblings had nicknames for each other like 'Ro' or 'Rome' for Roman, even when Riley was teasing Roman, she'd use 'RoRo' and for Riley it was 'Riles' 'Ri' or when they were kids growing up together Roman would call her 'SmileyRiley' and they would always call each other brother and sister in Samoan

They never called the other by their entire first name. Dean felt the weight of the situation and cleared his throat

"Uh, it's not Roman," he answered

He heard footsteps, and the door opened

"Oh," Riley said, looking at him

She left the door open for him to come in while she went back to her bed, Dean took a seat in her computer chair and rested his hands on his knees as he leant back

"Saw what happened with your brother, you okay?" He asked

She looked at him and slowly nodded

"Yeah, I'm good," she said

"Are you sure? You didn't look good when you stormed up here," Dean insisted

"I'm good," she replied, getting annoyed

"I know you don't like me, but you can still tell me you know," he said

"Well if I didn't like you, obviously I wouldn't tell you," she said, rolling her eyes, she didn't need this right now

"You know just because you don't like me doesn't mean you have to take it out on Roman," Dean said smugly

Riley immediately sat up

"Listen to me, you don't know shit about what you want to preach about. So just go okay," she said pointing to the door

Dean stared at her for a few seconds, but she wasn't backing down, when he realized that, he got up and walked towards the door

With his hand on the doorknob, he turned over his shoulder to watch her

"You know, for what it's worth, he never stops talking about you, he's always worried about you, Roman's trying to be there for you Riley, he really is, he can't shut up about you. Roman loves you, he's really trying and I really hope you know that," Dean said, letting himself out, leaving Riley to her thoughts

Dean quickly went to the bathroom and washed his hands, basically running down the stairs so the boys weren't too suspicious of him

He couldn't stop thinking about Riley though

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