I Am The Way I Am

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It was a Thursday afternoon that Dean had come over, he was scared of what he was about to tell Riley, but he knew he couldn't back out, he needed to be 1000% honest with her, because all in all, he really liked her and didn't want to lose the trust he was slowly, but surely gaining back

He walked up their stoop, rubbing his sweaty hands on the rough material of his blue jeans and he took a breath, pushing the fringe from his forehead and to the side, before he raised his left hand and knocked on the door, it was nearly 3 seconds after, he heard a reply 

"Coming," and footsteps ran towards the door and pulled it open, grey eyes and a bright smile met him 

"Dean, hi." Riley said, not expecting him

"Hi Riley, um, we need to talk," Dean told her, gauging her reaction 

"Oh, uh, yeah sure, c'mon in," she said, tugging the door open so he had enough space to enter 

"Roman's home?" He asked, just curious 

"Nah, he went on a date with Char," Riley replied going outside 

Dean nodded and followed her sitting down on the patio set

"Why are you there? We're going on the roof," she admitted beginning to climb the ladder 

Dean grew a wide smile, he knew. He knew the only time Riley or Roman would have someone up there with them, besides each other, the person had to be someone really, really special. 

He quickly got up and followed after her and they sat comfortably on the peak of the roof 

"So, what's up?" she asked and all the happiness Dean was feeling at that moment, left. 

"Do you like me?" Dean asked, hating how he sounded like a middle schooler 

"Yes." Riley answered with absolutely no hesitation, that made what Dean was about to say that much easier 

"I really like you too Riley, but-" Dean paused and Riley looked at him

"But, if we're gonna make this work, you need to know some things about me." Dean said, Riley let out a breath and nodded 

This was why Dean liked her so much, not only was she incredibly beautiful, her laugh was completely infectious, she generally loved life, was so smart, and nice and always cared about people, her smile could easily light up one of Dean's darkest nights, but she was always ready to listen, she never believed in anything until she heard it from the source. She was a real straight up girl, and Dean loved that about her. 

"First, I don't like eggplants," he said, smiling as she began laughing, and it was at that moment he realized that her laugh was the best sound he'd ever heard 

"But really," he said, losing his smile 

"I'm really screwed up." He admitted, running a hand through his curly strawberry blonde hair 

"I was born on the 7th of December 1985, I had no dad, my mom was the biggest junkie to walk the face of this earth, she was every thing I didn't want her to be; junkie, alcoholic, abusive, prostitute, uncaring-everything I didn't want her to be, she was." he said, ending in a sigh

Riley didn't say anything, she just listened to what Dean had to say, because honestly, what would she have said? 

"My dad's been in prison for 14 years now, I never knew him so I didn't get the chance to miss him, not that I minded, I hate losing people I actually care about, my little sister Dianna, was diagnosed with neuric cancer at 7, so she was practically brain dead, she had a slight autism too, but she was the nicest, sweetest little girl I'd ever met, she was always smiling and laughing, but deep down, she knew she was gonna die and she didn't last long, she died on July 24th 1996, I never felt so lost in my life." Dean said, a vulnerable tear rolling down his face and Riley damn near tripped over herself to wipe it away

"When I went into a severe depression when I was 15 and my situation really began hitting, I got into my mom's liquor cabinet, and that was the beginning of the end, I started drinking, partying and fucking around," he admitted and Riley tried not to wince at the tone of his voice 

"It was all so bad, until my mom realized what was going on with me and she cleaned up her act, and now, she has a good job, she works with her boyfriend in New York, which is why she's never here, but sends me money every month to make sure I have everything I want. I love her, alot, even after all the times I pushed her away, she never pushed back, she still cares about me even though I called her every bad name in the book and said things you should never say to anyone, I know she's happy, and she knows I'm happy and that's all that matters," Dean said, inhaling a shaky breath 

"I really like you Riley, and I don't want you to find out about me from anyone else than me," Dean admitted 

"I'm a real fuck-up, I understand if you don't want anything to do with me," Dean said, looking at her profile as she watched straight ahead 

She was really getting tired of hearing him say that, she'd always want to be around him, why did he think otherwise? 

After a minute of silence, Dean sighed and Riley abruptly turned to him, and took his chin in her hand and leaned close to him, closing her eyes as she went and she slowly moved her lips against his, feeling his eyes finally flutter close against her cheeks 

When they parted, they leaned their foreheads together 

"Thank you so much for telling me Dean, it means alot," she said kissing his nose 

Then they climbed down from the roof and went inside, and watched American Horror Story, while feeding each other popcorn and holding hands through the entire movie 


When Dean had left and Riley was washing the dishes and Roman walked in, tears streaming down his face, eyes red as fuck. Riley dropped the bowl back into the sink and closed the tap, going over to him 

"RoRo," she cooed, affectionately as he lay on the couch, curled in on himself and whimpered as warm tears fell down his cheek 

"Ro, what's wrong?" she asked, sitting near his waist and rubbing his head 

"C-Charlotte b-b-broke up wi-with me," He said, shutting his eyes tightly and his chin quivered 

Red hot anger, filled Riley's mind and she growled quietly before a heart-wrenching sob pierced the air and shes shook it off, instead hugging Roman close to her and rubbing his back as he soaked her grey t-shirt in tears, she told him he was gonna be just fine, and make a mental note to talk to Charlotte tomorrow in school

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