Warning Her

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Since Roman and Riley's dad was back in town, he decided to have a little get together with some close friends, so the party list included, Riley, Roman, their mom and dad, obviously, Dean, Seth, Nikki and Charlotte and some of their mom's club friends and their dad's work friends 

Their dad was out on the lawn, barbequing, Roman was helping their mom in the kitchen, Riley was brushing out her hair, since she had been tidying up since morning

All the guests were here, except Dean, until the doorbell rang, Riley was the only one inside at the time so she went to open the door, Dean was in a grey hoodie and dark blue jeans, Dean turned to her and his jaw dropped, he knew she was shapely, but never this much since she always wore something baggy when she was in school

She had on a white crop top and a white skirt, both skin tight 

At this point, Dean was sure his jaw was on the floor, especially when she waved her hands in front her face 

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At this point, Dean was sure his jaw was on the floor, especially when she waved her hands in front her face 

"What was that?" he asked, looking at her, she smiled and fixed her hair so that it was laying over her shoulders and Dean didn't know how, but it made her look even more attractive 

"I asked if you wanted to come in or are you just gonna stay outside," she repeated, smirking at him

She moved from the doorway and they walked out to the backyard together 

Roman smiled as he and Seth came to greet their friend, Riley went over to where Nikki and Charlotte were and they began chatting 

Riley didn't notice Dean's constant glancing, just like he didn't notice Riley's, there was one person who noticed though, and that was Riley's big brother, Roman and it made him confused

What the hell was that about? 

He decided he'd speak to Riley about it later

Right now, after they'd eaten, Roman's dad, Seth and Roman were on the lawn chairs talking about the upcoming football match that Roman would be playing in, Riley's mom, Nikki and Charlotte were having some lemonade on the porch talking about new recipes and Riley and Dean were by the pool 

"So did you get in troube with the coach?" Riley asked, looking into the cool, rippling water 

"Of course I did, he made me do 50 pushups though so I wasn't really sweating you know," Dean replied, seeing story past story in Riley's grey eyes

"Impressive," she hummed appreciatively 

"I've got a game two weeks after Rome's," he said, trying to be nonchalent

"Oh yeah?" Riley said, smiling at him 

"I was hoping, you know, um," Dean began, mentally kicking himself for stuttering 

"I'd love to come Dean," Riley said, answering the question Dean couldn't quite get out 

"Alright!" he cheered, smiling at her, Riley smiled back

Riley found herself smiling as she felt Dean's pinky wrap around hers

Roman stared at them, more confused than he was before. When had Riley and Dean gotten so close? Didn't Riley hate Dean a few days ago? 

When everyone had left, Roman went to Riley's room and knocked 3 times, walking in 

"Riles, can we talk?" he asked, sitting down not waiting for an answer 

"Sure," she said, closing her text book and looking at him 

"I'm glad you and Dean are getting along, but don't get too involved with him okay?" Roman said, Riley gave him a confused look

What the hell was this guy talking about?

"Rome, what're you even talking about?" she asked 

"Don't get romantically involved with him, he's my best friend Riles, I've known him for years, he's bad news, he uses girls for sex. That's just how he is, he doesn't do relationships, I just-" Roman said, pausing to sigh 

"I just want you to be careful, don't let him hurt you, cuz then I'll have to hurt him, don't get involved with him Riles, he's uses a girl and doesn't stick around, he has girls lining up to spend even one night with him, I don't want you to be an unlucky one, oute alofa ia oe tuafafine, I don't want to see you hurt," Roman said, widening his grey eyes, showing how serious he was

Riley let his words sink in and forcedly smiled

"Thanks for looking out for me Ro," she said, leaning over to hug Roman 

"No problem, good night Ri," he said, kissing her hair like he always did before they slept 

"Good night Ro," she said, watching her brother walk out of her room

She opened her text book to study for midterms, but she couldn't focus. She let Roman's words invade her mind. She had actually started to like Dean, he was a good guy, but if he was anything like Roman had said, then she best kept her distance 

She fell back against her pillow the same time Dean fell against his, they both thought about each other that night, but one's thoughts were beautiful and calm, the other's were stormy and bad. 

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