I'm Such A Screw-Up

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Dean walked down the hallways, holding his books, he needed to find Seth. 

"Seth!" he yelled when he saw Seth talking to his girlfriend Becky 

Seth jumped and looked at him, with wide brown eyes 

"Is everything alright?" Seth asked

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but um, I really need to talk to you," Dean said, feeling bad for interrupting the couple 

Seth kissed Becky's cheek and followed Dean to his locker

"What's going on?" he asked, pushing his glasses further up his nose

"I'm such a screw-up," Dean said, looking scared as he ran a hand through his hair looking jittery 

"I slept with Layla," he said, Seth's eyes widened 

"DEAN!" Seth hissed, slapping his friend's shoulder 

"And I'm pretty sure Riley saw." Dean elaborated, Seth's eyes doubled in size and Dean received another hit. He deserved it, because Seth was the only one who knew of Dean's feelings for Riley, so he was entitled 

"I know, Roman called me last night and asked me what happened between Riley and me, he said she came over to talk to me, but I didn't see her, meaning she saw me with Layla," Dean said, getting another hit, this one harder than the rest 

"Ow! Would you stop hitting me?" He asked, rubbing his abused shoulder 

Seth growled and hit him again, harder than the last three times 

"SETH!" Dean yelled, holding his shoulder

"DEAN!" Seth mocked, looking at his friend 

"Did you tell Roman what happened?" Seth asked, taking a deep breath 

"Of course I didn't, I don't wanna die." Dean said looking at Seth like he was dumb 

"Right, right, so you don't like Riley anymore?" Seth asked, feeling very confused

"Of course I do, but you know my trust issues, I always fuck up relationships. I don't want her to get involved, I'm predictable, but I also can't stay away from her." Dean said, Seth took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, a migraine beginning to form 

"I don't wanna tell you you're a jackass, but Dean, you're a JACKASS," Seth yelled

"Riley and Roman aren't here today. Their dad took them to his office for the day, because he's leaving tomorrow." Seth said, Dean nodded, knowing that was almost like a tradition in the Reigns family 

"They'll be here tomorrow, so you have a day to get your shit together and the biggest bunch of flowers for Riley, because you done messed up son," Seth said, clapping a hand on Dean's shoulder

"Now if you excuse me, I need to spend some time with my girlfriend, because her family is taking a trip to Ireland to visit her sick grandma, so when you figure all this out. Tell me how it goes." Seth said, patting Dean's back, before walking off 

Dean sighed as he made her way to his AP math class

He tried to focus, but couldn't. He really needed to focus cuz he was failing AP math, but Riley was on his mind. God, he was a jackass, he imagined the sad, defeated look on her face and he clenched his fist, turning his knuckles white. He needed to fix this, fix her. He didn't know how he'd do it yet, but he would. He NEEDED to.

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