I Need Your Help

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Riley had just got home from her date with Dean and she hated herself, Dean had explained how Roman was feeling in that moment and Riley understood. She'd been a jerk, a big, huge, massive jerkface and she needed to apologize

She started making a cheesecake, Roman's favourite, and the only dessert he'd allow himself to have when he was training

The cake was done an hour later and she let it cool and then sliced a piece for him, plating it, before she began walking up the stairs to his room with a wide smile 

"Romie," she sing-songed

When she had begun to talk, 'Romie' was her first word, since she couldn't pronounce Roman properly 

She knocked with her free hand and waited, but nothing, she knocked again and frowned opening the door, she furrowed her eyebrows when she took in his room, everything was in it's usual place, except his shelves were bare, his shoe rack was clean, his dressers were barren and the photo of herself and Roman was taken out of its frame and gone. 

She put the plate down on his chest at the end of the bed where he kept his football uniform and went to his closet, opening it and seeing only Roman's favourite grey hoodie hung lone on a rack 

Riley's eyes widened, what the fuck? 

She closed the closet and looked around until she saw a little bronze box that was bedazzled and had her and Roman's name on it, she furrowed her eyebrows and walked towards it, picking it up and sitting on Roman's bed, opening it

The first thing Riley saw was the picture of them on the other side of the lid, then she saw a piece of paper staring up at her, Roman's messy scrawl decorating it

Dear Riley, 

I know when you get to the end of the letter, you'll be pissed at me, but this is for the best. I sometimes make bad decisions, I mean, who doesn't? It's crazy that this time I made a bad decision and lost my little sister. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you; it was the heat of the moment and I lost my cool, but it's no excuse. I shouldn't have put my hands on you.  I guess love really blinds you sometimes. I talked to mom and dad and I've decided, it's not my right to stay in that town anymore, so I took up my counsellor on his offer to start my tuition early, it's sudden, I know, but I can't live with myself seeing you everyday and knowing you at least have some sort of hate for me, if it helps, I've never felt so ashamed of anything in my life, I'm sorry Riles. And if this is my last chance, oute alofa ia te oe tuafafine. 


Roman Reigns 

Riley dropped the letter in her hands and took deep breaths, trying not to pass out. Her brother, her big brother, the only family she thought she still had was gone, and it was all her fault. If she had just stepped into her brother's shoes instead of being hot-headed and getting angry every chance she got, maybe she'd still have her brother here with her 

She rushed out of Roman's room and to hers where she picked up her phone and quickly dialled a familiar number 

"Hello?" a voice answered, Riley sighed in relief 

"Dean, thank god," She praised 

"I need your help." She spoke, beginning to tell him everything and making a plan 

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