Losing You Ain't As Easy

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Riley held Dean's hand and dragged him up the stairs and down the hallway to the room that the instructor told them Roman was in 

Riley paused as she raised her fist to knock, she contemplated, could she really do this? What if Roman was happy here? What if he was better off here? 

Dean smiled, knowing exactly what was going through her mind and gently touched her elbow making her look at him 

"It'll be good for everyone," Dean encouraged, Riley saw his smile and nodded, raising her hand and knocking twice

"S'open!" Roman called 

Riley and Dean held hands as they walked in, Riley took a deep breath as Roman looked up and immediately, he face-palmed. He should've known she would come up here 

"Riley go home," he shot down, glancing at her, looking anywhere but at them 

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"Riley go home," he shot down, glancing at her, looking anywhere but at them 

"Riley go home," he shot down, glancing at her, looking anywhere but at them 

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Riley couldn't belive it. She came all this way and he wasn't even gonna give her a chance to explain? Well, that was fine. Because she was gonna tell him everything she needed to right now. Whether he liked it or not. 

"No Leati, I'm not leaving until you hear me out." She said, stern as ever. At the sound of his given Samoan name, he tensed up and sighed, looking up at her 

"First, how dare you. How dare you leave me. How dare you jump ship when there's a little bad blood. Siblings fight Roman. Doesn't mean I love you any less, because I do and I always will. You're my big-headed brother, and goddammit, I love you Ro." Riley said, tears welling up in her eyes 

"You don't get it Ri," Roman began 

"No you don't get it." she addressed 

Roman looked up shocked, she never spoke to him like that before. 

"You think it's perfectly fine to leave everyone who actually gives a damn about you to come to some stuffy college. It's not. And honestly, you don't even know the way I feel towards you. You're not just my brother Roman, you're my best friend, my other half. We've been at each other's side since I was born, and 9 months before. Roman you're my big brother, we have a bond that was created the first time you met me. Are you gonna give that up because I was a little angry at you?" Riley finished her rant 

Roman had tears running down his cheeks by now, but he didn't answer her, he just turned his face away from her. 


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"Fine." Riley said, realizing Roman wasn't coming around 

She looked at Dean and opened the door, letting him walk out first and she had one foot out the door, and turned back 

"I just wanna let you know, no matter what happens, losing you ain't as easy for me as it is for you, I still love you tuagane. And if you ever need anything, count me in." Riley said, leaving 

As soon as the door closed behind her, Roman let his head fall in his hands and he sobbed, why was he just so hard-headed? Why couldn't he talk about his feelings? He flung the photo album he was looking through against the wall, watching as the pictures exploded out and he sighed, sliding down the wall 

Riley was worse than Roman was. She cried into Dean's chest in his car, on the side of the road, Dean knew she would take what happened hard. But goddamn, her sobs were breaking his heart. The siblings were insufferable, but he loved them both, was what he was thinking as she eased on the crying and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head

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