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Riley lay down and sighed as she traced patterns on Dean's face that was pressed up against the glass

She sighed again and heard a sound, she sat up and furrowed her eyebrows

"What the hell?" She muttered and stood up listening for the sound again, there it was a little knock, she walked around and listened again

"RILEY!" She heard from outside, she looked at her door thinking it was Roman, she made her way to the door and paused as she heard the sound again from the other side of the room


Riley walked over to the window and opened it, ducking away as a pebble flew at her, she watched as Dean looked up, wide eyes and a smile across his face

"Did you seriously just throw a pebble at me?" Riley asked amused, Dean put up his hands

"I need to talk to you." He said, beginning to climb up the scanty, nearly leafless tree, Riley shook her head and walked over to the back door in her room, unlocked it and opened it, sitting on the floor and looking as he made his way up. 

He climbed over and sat down, Riley deeply swallowed as she watched him sit down and ruffled his hair where the tiny rain drops had settled

Riley took this time to observe him, his eyes were sunken in and slightly bloodshot like he had been drinking, he had become skinnier, his skin was pale and he looked sick

"I miss you." He began, Riley said nothing, just looked at him

"And I know I'm a screw up and an ass hole but I was so insecure about you and our relationship that I knew somehow I would fuck it up. I was never in love with Renee I know she couldn't find someone she liked better than me so I stuck with her. I'm sorry." Dean said, his eyes stinging with tears again 

"And I've come to realize there's no one else that brings me happiness like you do, no one tells me off like you do. I love you Ri. And I was an ass to think Renee would ever give me quarter of the happiness you brought. I'm sorry and I would like another chance. But I understand if you never wanna see me again," Dean said with a sigh as he sat there waiting for her to say something

She got up and walked inside without a word.

Dean sighed and got up, he should've known this would have happened. He shouldn't have been so dumb. He raked his fingers over his face and sighed, getting ready to climb down

Riley came back outside and he looked shock but quickly tried to mask it as she took his hand in hers

"I'm gonna give you another chance Dean," she said, looking into his blue eyes with her own greys.

"Seriously?" Dean asked already getting excited.

She held his hand tightly in hers

"But you have to promise me something." She elaborated

"Anything," he said, eager to have his girl back

"Promise me, you won't keep anything from me. You won't hide it if something is bothering you or if you have a secret from me. You also have to promise not to break my heart again. 3 strikes and you're out." She said

He nodded profusely

"I promise," he replied

She held his hand and flashed a ring at him and then slid it on his finger

"It's a promise ring." She told him when he looked down at it, eyes wide

"I love you," he said, she smiled and kissed him

"I love you too," she whispered as he rubbed his nose against hers

Roman smirked from the doorway of her room. He had heard Dean yelling. He smiled. And promised he'd kill Dean if he'd hurt his baby sister again. But for now, he'd be happy for the two of them

Later that night, Dean lay on his bed with a smile as he looked at his ceiling and sighed, then as he rolled over and put his hand under his face, he hissed as something pressed against his face and he turned back to face the ceiling

He looked down at the source of discomfort and smiled as he saw the shining silver band on his hand, he pulled it off and smiled as he pulled it off and read the words

He looked down at the source of discomfort and smiled as he saw the shining silver band on his hand, he pulled it off and smiled as he pulled it off and read the words

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He smiled and kissed it, sliding it back on before hearing his phone ring, he picked it up and grinned as he saw the name that popped up

BabyGirl💏💗 CALLING...

"Hi babe," he answered, instantly smiling as she replied and they talked all night, Riley falling asleep with Dean listening to her quiet breathing

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