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Sunset: Omg that's such a cute picture! Twilight looks so CUTE!

Twilight: *Blushes and hides behind her hands.*

Midnight: XD Twilight you should be used to this already.

Twilight: I know but Sunset just ran off with the picture and a plushy of me.

Midnight: *dies*

Flare: My children amuse me sometimes.

Midnight: You make it sound like you actually gave birth to them. Although, with how they act I wouldn't be surprised if you secretly did. Well, except for Twilight at least.

Twilight: Sunset Shimmer put that picture away!

Sunset: *runs off* no!

Midnight and Flare: *Dies*

Midnight: I do believe I know how I'm going to open this chapter.

Flare: Of course I'll be present, right?

Midnight: Maybe.

Twilight: Sunset Shimmer!

Sunset: Twilight Sparkle!

Sunset's pov:

Flare came by when Twilight and I woke up cuddling each other. We didn't want to move but we had to when we heard Flare walk into the house. And knowing Flare she would literally drag us out of bed.

I groaned while getting out of bed and walked out with Twilight. I fell face first onto the couch. I could hear Twilight giggle and Flare laugh at me. "Someone must have had a busy night." 

I lift my head up at her glaring, "If you count almost putting a couple of guys in the hospital and running around town basically busy then yes, yes I did." I lay my head back down and Twilight giggled again and sat on my back. She was light as a feather so it didn't bother me.

"I'm gonna guess You, Trixie, and Lyra got protective and caused a scene." I turned over making Twilight fall and lay on me. "More like getting playboys away from the girls and directing them to where the sluts are."

Twilight giggled and wrapped her arms around me trying to fall sleep on me. "Oh no, If I have to suffer then so do you." I start tickling her both of us falling off the couch. Trixie and Starlight walk in confused by what was happening and looked at Flare. 

"No...stop...I...give up....I won't sl...eep." Twilight was having trouble talking while she begged for me to stop. I stop and let her catch her breath. "I'm glad Trixie doesn't do that to....uh oh." 

As if on queue Trixie started tickling Starlight. I start dying while Twilight goes to help Starlight get free. "Where do you think you're going." I get up and quickly pick her up over my shoulder feeling her pound on my back.

I spin her around a little and look at Flare who's trying not to die of laughter. "Oh hey, Sunset I came to bring you something."

I stop moving keeping Twilight on my shoulder while she continues to laugh and pound on my back. "Huh?" Flare hand me a picture of Twilight and I. I was hugging Twilight almost making both of us fall in the picture. I smile and show it to Twilight.

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