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Midnight: What's up everyone! Midnight here deciding to continue this story even though it's not very good. So, Flare, my dear sister of mine have something to say?

Flare: It's time that Twilight and Sunset get to know each other in not a kind way but in a harsh way. Almost like Trixie and Starlight.

Trixie: Don't make her go through the stuff I did Flare. That isn't fair to Sunset that was the worst pain imaginable.

Flare:*glares at Trixie* the worst huh?

Starlight: Okay maybe not the worst pain but Sunset isn't like Trixie she doesn't listen when she's upset. Unlike Trixie, if Sunset does something rash there may not be someone to save her like I was when I found her.

Midnight: We know guys.

Flare: But every relationship has a downfall at some point and it takes people who really care for each other to pick the pieces back up and try again.

Trixie: we did

Starlight:*hugs Trixie*

Midnight: Exactly. But I'll make sure Sunset doesn't end up in the hospital like you did.

Flare:*looks at Midnight knowing what she meant and thinks to herself.* 'Either Twilight will or something else will happen.'

Sunset's Pov:

"Hey, Twilight?" I walk into our room looking at my phone. "Flare wants to know if we can go to her company tomorrow so I can get a job like Flare's"

"I don't think I'd like knowing that you would risk your life for a company. Whether Flare works there or not." I look up from my phone at her confused. "We've been saying how we need to get a job for months Twilight. At least with this one we know I'll get the job."

"Yes, but I don't feel comfortable enough to let you risk your life. Flare is feared but that doesn't mean you will be also. Just...let me think about it, please."

I sighed and looked at her for a minute and smiled. "Okay. Let me know before tomorrow though. Okay?" Twilight nodded and smiled back walking out of our room and into the living room with Starlight and Trixie.

I was about to join them when my phone started going off with a call from Flare. The ringtone was starting to get annoying a long time ago I just forgot to change it. "I really need to change this ringtone for Flare." I heard Twilight giggle at my comment making me smile.

I answer the phone and laugh as I hear Flare yelling at her brother Dusk. "Flare?" She continued to yell at him as he died of laughter in the background. "Flare!" "What?! Oh, sorry Sunset didn't mean to yell. At you at least." Her brother laughed in the background again and I could faintly hear a female laughing also. "Anyways, I called to ask whether you and Twilight will show up tomorrow or not." 

I looked at Twilight losing my smile. "Umm, Twilight and I are still discussing it." I could hear the disappointment in her voice, " Sunset remember what's important to you and what's not." With that, she hung up.

I sighed and walked out of the house.

Twilight's Pov:

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