Chapter Twenty: A Family I Didn't Ask For, But Wanted

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Later that day, I'm in bed with Luke. Once Luke had stuffed me full of food and water he had taken me back to the infirmary for a full pregnancy work up. I mean, at least he cares, right? It's not late enough to sleep now, but I didn't feel like doing anything other then calm down in my husbands arms.

Luke is leaning against the headboard and a ramp of cushions with me curled up in his lap and resting on his chest. One of his hands is resting on my back while he other is settled on my thigh. The blanket is pulled over my legs while I enjoy hearing Luke's heart and feeling him breathe. My eyes are closed as I drift in an out of sleep, happy and content as I rest my hands against Luke's chest.

"Y'know" Luke starts, rubbing my back and drawing small patterns onto my skin through my shirt. "You never marked me" He points out, looking down at me. "What?" I ask, sitting up a little. "You never marked me. You have my mating mark but I don't have yours" Luke explains, tapping the spot on my neck. "But I'm human" I say, refraining from rolling eyes at him.

"No, not anymore. Here, just bite my neck" Luke chuckles, tilting his head to the side. My eyes widen and the prospect of biting someone is a little daunting, especially a demon king with rock hard skin. I lick my lips and tentatively bite into the mass of muscle connecting Luke's neck to his shoulder, quite surprised when my teeth actually sink into him.

Luke stiffens and I gasp, pulling away. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I ask, shifting in his lap. Luke laughs and catches my face before kissing me, grinning against my lips. "I'm perfectly fine" He snickers, making a face at me as I frown. "I'm just glad you've finally got around to marking me, eh?" He teases.

I cross my at arms and pout, glaring at him. Luke just seems amused. "Well- you've never told me that you love me. If I'm carrying your kid I think that's something you should be saying a lot more often" I huff, turning my head away from Luke so I don't have to look him in the eye.

Luke's hands grip my hips and he sticks out his neck, trying to get further into my line of vision. "I love you, Ryan" He says without hesitation in his dumb perfect voice, and it makes me melt. I give and hug Luke tightly, sighing happily against his chest. "I.. I love you too" I smile, giggle when Luke hugs me back with a chuckle before kissing my hair.

"So we're a family?" I ask, smiling when Luke squeezes me. "Of course we're a family"

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