Chapter Twenty-One: Not So Good Morning

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♢♡Time Skip♡♢


I wake up to obnoxious knocking at the door. I roll over in Luke's arms and groan, putting his hands on his shoulders. Luke growls and prys me off, covering me completely before getting up and getting dressed. I roll into the warm spot he left and hum, nuzzling my cheek against the pillow and putting my hand on my stomach as the baby kicks.

Luke opens the door and I hear panting. "Bryce is gone" Tyler says hurriedly, and my eyes snap open. Bryce is gone. Bryce was alive?! Bryce is alive! I wrap my arms around my stomach as Luke snarls and backs Tyler into the hallway, closing the door behind him. I hear him shouting but I can't tell what he's saying, I know Tyler is trying to defend himself.

I push myself up and waddle over to my clothing, sighing when I can't bend over. Curse this bump. I go to closet and grab fresh clothing, approaching the door. I take a deep breath and open it, immediately the shouting stops. "What's going on?" I ask assertively, giving Luke puppy dog eyes at the same time.

Luke grunts and turns back to Tyler, hissing under his breath. "I want you, Max, Brian, and David armoured up by the time I get downstairs" He orders before grabbing my hand and pulling me back into our room. He pushes me against the door and kisses me, but that ain't gonna work. I push him back just enough to get air and feel my eyebrows pull together. "Bryce is alive?"

Luke sighs and looks down before rubbing his forehead and looking up at me. "I kept Bryce in the dungeons and tortured him" Luke spits out all very quickly, and my eyes widen. I curl my arm around my stomach protectively and Luke quickly kisses me again. "It's okay, it'll be easy to find him. I'll kill him this time and you'll be safe" He says before embracing me in a hug.

"I'll die myself before he touches you again" He promises, kissing my mating mark. "Now stay here, I have to go. He's somewhere in the castle, but this place is pretty big. The doors will be locked and he won't be able to get in. Someone will guard the door" Luke explains, lifting me up and placing me on the bed.

"I love you" He smiles before running out the door. It slams and glows red for a second, the sound of a bolt locking booming through the room. I gulp and wrap my arms around myself, suddenly feeling very cold. I sigh and go to take a shoulder, keeping my hand on my stomach.

"The stress you've caused your dad and I.." I mumble to the baby, undressing and climbing into the shower. I stay in there for gods know how long, trying to relax myself with the hot water. I finally drag myself out when my feet start to hurt and wrap myself up in a towel, I'll climb back into bed and try to sleep.

I open the bathroom door and look up, seeing Bryce lounging on the bed, staring at the ceiling. New scars litter his face and his skin is greener then before. Cracks travel up his horns to the point they're falling apart into dust. He looks over and grins, showing off his vampire teeth. "Ryan! We have so much catching up to do"

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