Chapter Twenty-Nine: Make The World Beauiful

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I cringe when I wake up, everything hurts. I head myself whimper and I put my hand on my stomach, surprised to feel it so flat. I crack my eyes open and groan, rolling over and shoving my face into pillow. I feel a hand on my back and flinch before settling again with a small noise. "Mmmphf"

"Oh thank god" Luke breathes, rubbing his hand up and down my back. I hear him kneel next to the bed and I crack my eye open and smile at him before closing it again. "Hi baby.." Luke whispers, kissing my forehead. "Mm.." I hum, reaching out and grabbing Luke's hand. I open my mouth but he shushes me, petting my hair.

"Rest, rest.. the baby is okay, he's beautiful" Luke promises, still in a soft voice. "He?" I squeak, smiling tiredly. Luke chuckles and nods, patting my back. "Yeah.. he's a beautiful, healthy little boy" Luke purrs, pressing his fingers into my sweet spots. "The early birth was just from stress, but the baby is completely, 100% okay"

I smile and squirm until I can wrap my arms around Luke's neck to hug him. Luke chuckles and stands up as I drip off him, lifting me up and setting me on the bed, sitting up. "Stay here" He says, walking out of the room. I smile and and get comfy, waiting for him to return.

Next thing I know, like is walking in with a bundle of dark blankets in his arms. He sits next to me on the bed and I notice a little face sticking out. I gasp and grin, slowly taking him from Luke. He gurgles and I awe as Luke wraps his arm around me. "He's beautiful.." I gasp, rubbing his cheek.

The baby squeaks and opens his eyes, one brown and one blue. Luke chuckles and kisses my cheek. "He gets it from you" He says, resting his hand on the small of my back. I smile and lean on Luke, holding the baby close. "What should we name him?" Luke asks, kissing down to my neck.

"Darwin?" I ask, kissing his forehead. "Darwin. I like it" Luke smiles, laying me and Darwin down. He hands me Bunny and I giggle before Luke lays down and wraps me up in his arms. "Rest" He hums, kissing me slowly. I smile wide and Darwin yawns, which has to be the most adorable sound I've ever heard. I nuzzle him and Luke kisses my hair as I let my eyes closed.

"Good night, babe. Sleep well" Luke whispers, stroking my hair. "Good night Luke. I love you" I mumble, taking deep breaths. "I love you too, lovely" Luke smiles, rubbing my back and drift back to sleep with my baby in my arms.

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