Double date

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It has been a week since the little sleepover with the boys.
It was the last period of the day and it was social studies.
We all had to be put into groups and coincidently enough...the girls were grouped with wonho and I.m, who they have grown quite attracted to a little more than the other members.
The four were doing there group work when...
"Hey girls, so last night I.m and I talked secretly away from the other members and we would like to take you out for a movie and then for dinner" wonho said while playing fttf his blue pen
"So,you mean a date?" Kaeli asked
"No" wonho and I.m said at the same
"Well it is a date, don't believe this little boy, what do you girls say?"
Rae and Kaeli looked at eachother
"Are you buying us food, like do we have to pitch in?" Rae asked looking for a chance for free food
"No we're paying for it all" I.m answered with a smile
"Sweet, free food!,sure we'll come" Rae answered on behalf of both girls
"Um excuse me, who said I wanted to go!" Kaeli shot
"You don't want to go?" Wonho said with a pout
"Jokes I'll go too" Kaeli giggled at look back down at her work
"So pick you girls up at 5:45" wonho said with a smirk
"BUT THATS ONLY A FEW HOURS AFTER SCHOOL!!!, I have to plan my outfit, btw what type of clothing should we wear?" Kaeli changed her personality in 0.3 secs
"Hmmm something casual, cause we will not go to a very fancy restaurant cause embarrassing" I.m answering
"Yahhh!" Wonho screamed
"Oh btw girls bring a swim suit...and a overnight bag" wonho added with a wink
~Le time skipio~
Both girls looked into the mirror with success in their eyes

and a overnight bag" wonho added with a wink~Le time skipio~Both girls looked into the mirror with success in their eyes

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Rae's outfit

Kaelis outfit

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Kaelis outfit

"What are you girls dressed up for?" Irene walked in and leaned on the door frame

Rae and Kaeli looked at eachother in annoyance, they were both thinking of finding a small apartment.

"We're just going on a dinner bff date" Kaeli smiled covering their night planes
"And I think we're gonna stay at a hotel tonight to have....a luxury feeling" Rae looked at Irene saying herself and her best friend will be home tomorrow

"Oh ok" Irene walked off closing the door with a suspicious look on her face
~ring ring Rae's phone rings~
"Hey, we will be there in 5 mins, jump out the window and don't get caught...btw we are in a taxi"
I.m's familiar voice went through Rae's ears
"Ok, see ya in 5, bye"
Rae ended the phone call and started opening the window
"Oh, window?" Kaeli questioned
"Yes...window" Rae put one leg over the edge followed by the other, Kaeli then did the same.
They both waited a few seconds and a taxi pulled up in the drive way.
Wonho was in the front and I.m in the back, Rae got in the middle and Kaeli was the last one in.
~10min later~
The four got out of the car and went into the movie theatre
"So what you girls want to watch" wonho asked putting his arm around Kaelis waist
"Anything" both girls chorused together.
Wonho went up to the counter and ordered tickets,popcorn,candy and drinks. We went into the theatre room and...there was only us for in there
"It's kinda abandoned" Rae said looking around
"That's alright"I.m said taking a seat pulling Rae beside him.
Wonho sat the row behind the other two and gestured Kaeli to come sit beside him
~time skip 3/4 into the movie~
"Ahhh,billy...right there" the girl character moaned holding onto the bedsheets
The four under 18 year olds gulped
All trying not to make eye contact...or any contact at all but.......
Rae and I.m reached for some popcorn at the same time....and their hands touched, both their eyes widened and they jumped in their seats pretending nothing happened...well actually I.m wasn't thinking of being that innocent.
In the row behind, thing were a little more...heated. Wonho doesn't like to mess around a lot, he crept his cold hand onto Kaelis leg and she mentally screamed throwing her body off the seat not making any sound.
"Kaeli-ah it's ok calm down babe" Wonho whispered with a little laugh toward the end.
~time skip movie ended~
"Let's go get dinner" I.m suggested taking Rae's hand into his own and walking out the door Wonho did the same and dragged Kaeli out.
The four came to a small restaurant and sat down at a table
" hey guys why'd you ask to bring a swimsuit?" Kaeli asked letting her curiosity get the better of her
"Cause you are both getting wet tonight *i.m knees him under the table* ....cause we are all going on the pool" Wonho hissed the last part out in pain
They all ordered and stated eating
~after eating~
Wonho and I.m lead the girls to a beautiful beach
"Woah~" both of the girls were in a gaze
"Knew you two would like it" I.m smiled and took off his shirt running into the water
"You girls have your swimsuits under your clothes right?" Wonho asked also taking off his shirt and jeans
"Yup" the girls once again chorused together
"Rae come here!" I.m shouted while small waves hit his
Rae then took off her clothes and ran into the refreshing water splashing I.m.
While Kaeli was taking her clothes off, Wonho decided to hurry her up by pulling them off for her, then he picked her up, but her over his shoulder and ran into the water to the others.
The four were having fun splashing and laughing, it was defiantly a memory the would all remember for the rest of their lives.

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