Prom (pt3)

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Omg 3 parts
The four stepped into the building, beautifully dressed, smiles on their faces...especially Kihyun and minhyuk.
They were shocked when they found out that they didn't choose Wonho and I.m
They walked to the stand that they had to give their tickets too (to make sure they paid to get in).
Then off to take the photo that would be the statement of their history: prom photos are deep ok!

First Rae and Kihyun stood there infront of the camera all dolled up and beautiful.
Kihyun pulled Rae close and held her around the waist, Rae didn't show any type of annoyance and smiled for the photo, while Kihyun looked as smug as a sheep!

The photographer then gestured for Minhyuk and Kaeli to stand infront of the camera.
Minhyuk stood about 5cm away from kaeli, which she found it weird so she held his hand, but Minhyuk has an evil plan (*snicker snicker*)
As the camera was about to flash Minhyuk leant in and kissed Kaelis cheek and the camera captured everything!
Minhyuks evil smile against Kaelis cheek
The cheek kiss
Kaeli's 0o0 face.

Kaeli looked at Minhyuk with a glare while walking away from the camera man to Rae and kihyun.

" are AMAZING!" Kihyun yelled

"Why didn't I think of that!" Kihyun went on

"If you did that, your left side of your face would be all red!" Rae said walking to the food buffet

"Oh glorious food" Rae said taking a piece of snowflaked shaped chocolate

"Rae...shall we dance?" Kihyun asked placing his hand on Rae's shoulder
Rae looked at Kihyun
"...later but now! I want to eat!" Shelby turned back to the food.
Kihyun looked at her and smiled, but then his smile faded...
"Why did you come with me...and not...I.m?"
Rae looked up from the food

"Well, I'm always spending time with him, and I thought why don't I spend some time with you?" Rae replied exactly what she had told I.m earlier

"So you don' me..." Kihyun said looking down, then walking away

"Kihyun! Where are you going!?"
Rae yelled confused

"To the men's bathroom" Kihyun said walking into the bathroom

Mean while, Kaeli had sat down at a table thinking, letting her mind wonder off to the world of the future, with her children, grand children and great grand Children all looking at that prom photo...if it was just a normal photo she wouldn't be worried but it's not normal! The camera captured everything!
Minhyuks lips and Kaelis cheek
Kaelis 0o0 face.
She wasn't sad or disappointed she was just being herself, well the side the rarely chooses to show,but Minhyuk thought she was sad because she didn't come with Wonho, if Wonho came with her she wouldn't be sad, if Wonho kissed her on the cheek she wouldn't care, it's always WONHO WONHO WONHO, Wonho and I.m were the ones that moved in with Kaeli and Rae, Wonho and I.m were their first kisses! Wonho and I.m took them on dates, went swimming, stayed in a luxury hotel...Minhyuk thought again for a moment...

Minhyuk slid into the seat beside Kaeli

"I'm sorry Kaeli" Minhyuk held kaelis hand that was resting on the table

"What do you mean?"
Kaeli questioned

~I.m and Wonho~

I.m was sitting on the couch watching a commercial that featured new s in care items while Wonho was watching the Ramen cook sadly saltening the boiling water with his tears
Then angrily yelled banging his fist onto the counter


Things began to get thrown about; Glasses, utensils, plates. You name, it was most likely thrown

"WONHO, CALM DOWN!" I.m tried to calm his Hyung down but he was being a spastic

"NO! I will not calm down because Kaeli and Rae, both our girls! We claimed them! Are out, at prom, most likely enjoying themselves without us! And to top that off my ramen is taking forever to cook!" Wonho went on

"God! Wonho you sound really possessive right now." I.m cleared his throat
"Maybe I am possessive!" Wonho yelled back
"Ok Hyung!
1. They are not ours; we didn't claim them
2. They are aloud to enjoy themselves patient for your freaken ramen!
I am (I.m 😏😉) upset as well, but they chose Minhyuk and Kihyun, just accept it! Just going to prom with them doesn't mean they are going to loose their virginity's to them or anything- WAIT! That's exactly what it means! We have to get down there!"

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