Packing pt2

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~Wonho and Kaeli~

"So how you wanna do thisss" Kaeli asked as they stood in the middle of Wonhos room
"Well you can start over there" Wonho said pointing to his books and movies "and I'll start over here"

Halfway through packing, Kaeho both heard a scream coming from I.m's room but just pushed it aside and continued packing as they were almost done

~Le time skipo to after packing~

Boxes now filled Shownu car as he drove the 4 high school students to the apartment.

As they reached the apartment and walked in, they were greeted by the cool breeze that filled the house

"well i will be going now" Shownu said before letting himself out

the 4 high scholars took their time to look around their new home and were quite surprised by home big the rooms were

"sooo this is gonna be Rae's and I's room aaaaaannnnddddd that will be your room" Kaelis said pointing to the different rooms
"awwww but i wanted to share a room with Rae" I.m said sulking a bit
"yeahhh and i wanted to share a room with you kaeli" Wonho said pouting
"welllll we dont always get what we want, do we?" Rae said before going to her and Kaeli's shared room
"YAHHH!!!" both I.m and Wonho screamed at the same time
"TOUGH LUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" Rae screamed out
"Sorry guys but Rae and i already sorted the rooms but anyway, goodnight!!" Kaeli said before she to walked to her room

"Maaaannn, this sucks" Wonho said, complaining
"I know right...oh bro! guess what" I.m said, finally realizing something
"Rae and i kissed, well i kissed her but yeah, we kissed"

Wonho just looked at I.m with big eyes

"you serious?"
"does it look like im joking" I.m said, smirking
"wow, so is that why Kaeli and I heard that scream"
"no she scream cause she got embarrassed...bro what are we going to do about Hyungwon and Kihyun?" I.m said, slightly worried
"I dont know man but we will have to figure something out, i think Jooheon  and Minhyuk are also after them..."
"yeah...anyway we can just sleep on it and try and figure something out in the morning" said I.m

That night the 4 high scholars fell asleep with something on their mind

Wonho and I.m thinking on how to solve their problem
Rae thought of her kiss with I.m
And Kaeli thought about how crazy it will be living with Wonho and I.m

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