"bibble died"

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~Weeks later~

"KAELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" Rae screamed out from the loungeroom

"WHAAAAAAAAT" Kaeli screamed out from her and Rae's room


"We already have one!" Kaeli stated, walking out of the room "It's over THERE!"

Kaeli pointed towards a small, circular fish tank that was off to the side, almost tucked into a corner, way out of sight

"oh...how was I supposed to know it was there, it's out of plain sight! how did it even get here anyway?" Rae asked, rolling her eyes ever so slightly

"Wonho brought it just after he and i.m moved in" kaeli began "buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut I think its dead"

Rae got up from the couch and strolled over to the tank, seeing a white and red goldfish floating upside down

"damn, rip goldy"

"I'm home!!!"

Rae and Kaeli turned to face the front door and saw Wonho and I.m waltzing in

"Did you miss me?" Wonho asked, winking in Kaeli's direction

"ah, no but I think your fish did" Kaeli stated, moving out of the way so Wonho could see his beloved fish


Wonho looked at the fish, sadness written all over his face

"Bibble is dead...Bibble, died..."

A few tears left Wonho's eyes as he crouched down, holding his head in his hands

'Who the fuck calls a fish Bibble? you could have called it like, I don't know, Goldy" Rae said, a little annoyed by the situation folding "Did you guy's even feed it?"

Wonho and I.M just looked at each other knowing that both of them were at fault for the death of their fish Bibble

"Arhhh, no?" I.M said, "Did you girls feed it?"

"Did we feed it? Honey, i didn't even know there was a fucking fish in the house and you're asking me, US even, if we fed it?" Rae asked, "Nah, I cant deal with this, I'm going out"

With that Rae walked out of the room and out of the house

"All I asked as if she fed the fish, god!"

Kaeli and Wonho just continued to look at the floating, dead fish crying slightly

"Bibble was such a good fish..." Wonho whispered, wiping the tears from his face

"Its okay Wonho, we can always get another one" Kaeli reassured

"But it won't be the same.."

"It may not be the same and no fish will ever be the same as Bibble but, Bibble wouldn't want you to cry over he/she whatever, Bibble would want you to move on"

Silence fell over the both of them, only the sound of Wonhos slight sobs and hiccups aver now and then before Wonho turned to Kaeli

"Thank you, Kaeli"

Wonho stared deeply into kaelis eyes before leaning in slightly and kissing her, one not of lust or stupidity as their others had been, but just one that was soft and sweet. Wonho had pulled back after a few seconds only to hear the sounds of I.M gagging

"Hyung!! You do know I'm still here!" I.M said, annoyed and kinda disturbed by what he had just witnessed

"Ahhh Piss off, Go make out with Rae or some shit" Wonho replied with only for I.M to blush 50 shades of pink

"I would if only she was here..." I.M mumbled quietly so Wonho couldn't here and sure enough, he didn't

"What was that Changkyun?" Wonho asked

"Nothing hyung, nothing"

And with that, I.M trudged to his room

"W-why did you do that Wonho?" Kaeli asked but Wonho just gave her a confused look "Y-you know, the kiss"

"Because even though it has been weeks, Minhyuks lips still linger on yours and that's making me angry," Wonho said cupping kaelis cheek only for kaeli to lean into Wonho's touch

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