lovers quarrel

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Wonho looked at Kaeli with hopeful eyes. All he wants is to clear the air and things can go back to "normal"

"Let me think about that, hmmmmmmm, how does NO sound and for the love of god get out of my room" Kaeli said getting up and pushing wonho out of the room, slamming the door in his face

Wonho was shocked. Was she really that mad at what he had done?

Sighing deeply and shruggling his shoulders, he made his way back to the living room and plopped on the couch with a pout on his face

"Raeee~" Wonho said looking at rae. If he was going to get to kaeli, Rae was his only hope

"Whaaaat~" Rae replied back with in a moking tone causing I.m to laugh

"First of all, rude
And second of all, can you go talk to kaeli from me...its just that i don't want her to be pissed at me" Wonho looked down in doubt

'Like rae actually would' he thought

Scoffing, rae replied with a very monotone "fine" before unwrapping herself from I.m hold and making her way to the room kaeli was in

"Yo bich, it me, Let me the fuck in" Rae said knocking on the door

Kaeli opened the door and rae was greeted with shoes, clothes and makeup scattered everywhere, some even thrown in plastic bags

"Wow, yeah, he definitely pissed you off" Rae said finding a place on the floor where she could sit

"Who is he to do that though" Kaeli said resting her head on Rae's shoulder "I'm mad at him and i want to hate him but i just can't bring myself to do that..."

Rae just signed, this was going to be a long night. Although she herself aas never put into these situations, she alaays seemed to have good advice

"For now, how about we play some music and i help you with this and i can maybe pitch 1 or 2 things...sound good?"

Kaeli just nodded and when to grab her phone, turning to her playlist and letting it shuffle, the first song that played was

Knock - Nasty Nasty

"Ahhh this is a good song" Kaeli said with a smile causing Rae to laugh

"Lets just get this done" Rae said already starting with the Makeup

As the night drew out. Kaeli and Rae bothed cleaned the room (throwing out what Kaeli did not want) dancing (mostly by kaeli) and singing loudly and off key (mostly by Rae)

By the end of all that, Kaeli had completely forgotten her little lovers quarrel with wonho and went down to the kithen grabbing food for both herself and Rae as Rae had begged her to bring food when she heard that kaeli was going to get food for herself

Wonho approach kaeli and signed "we good now?"

Kaeli being kaeli didn't know what he was talking about, so just said "yeah, sure" for the sake of it

This caused Wonho to break out into a smile and kiss kaeli on the lips softly before hugging her and stealing a little bit of the food...littlw did he know that was Rae's plate and she saw it. She hates sharing food with people but hates it even more when they steal it


High schoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora