The Apartment

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"Can we stay there" asked Wonho
"No, no you can not" replied Rae still glaring at the 3 fake bitches
"You are not going anywhere!" Irene said, screaming at them "you have to stay in the dorm, college law!"
"And when have you listen to the rules" I.m mumbled and received chuckles from Wonho
Everyone by now was looking at the 7 teenagers causing a scene

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave"
Suddenly the manager of the small restaurant came up to the group and asked them as nicely as possible to leave
"Excuse me, do you have any idea who I-"
"Yes sorry for our inconvenience, we will be going now"
Taeyeon was quickly cut off I.M ,and was dragged out of the building. As they all got outside, Sana pushed both girls up against a wall

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Sana said, pushing Kaeli and Rae harder against the wall but was pulled back by Wonho
"Let me go!!" Sana thrashed around and around but was stuck in Wonho's tight grip
"Not until you apologise to Kaeli and Rae..." Wonho whispered in her ear

Sana blushed a bright red and tried to hide herself from the others but her head as forced up to look at the girls right in the eye

"I-I'm sor-sorry"
"Eh, good enough"

Wonho then let go of Sana and went to stand next to Kaeli

"You okay?" Wonho asked, voice full of concern
"I'm fine" replied Kaeli
"Unnie we should probably head home and pack" Rae said awkwardly
"Okay, let's go"
"Do you want us to help" I.m and Wonho asked at the same time
"I mean like no one is stopping ya" Rae replied
"Well let's get going then" I.m said hurrying over to Rae

The 4 of them left, leaving the 3 fake bitches behind

"So can we also live in the apartment" Wonho asked for the second time
"Wonho as I said before, no" Rae replied smirking at him
"What if I asked you" I.m asked
"I would still say no" said Rae
"What if Jooheon asked you or even Kihyun!" Said I.m
"My answer would be yes" replied Rae, smiling at him

I.m looked at her with big eyes of surprise and shock

"You don't mean that right?" I.m said, voice shaking and lips quivering.
Rae saw this and felt really bad, so she went up to him and gave him a hug
"Of course not, I was just joking. I mean no one is stopping you from moving in" Rae said reassuring

This time both boys looked at her, shocked and surprised, Kaeli just looked at her like she was crazy

"Wait, are you being serious" Wonho asked
"As serious I can be but only if you help us pack, Kaeli has a lot of clothes and it will take a while to pack them all up" Rae said smiling at them
"Welllll, let's go then!" I.m practically yelled, wrapping is arm around Rae's waist

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