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Every one piled into the apartment and stood there looking at each other.
"Soooo...where we all gon sleep?" Kihyun asked looking at the couch that is obviously not going to fit everyone.
All of a sudden
*bring bring* jooheons phone rings
"Ohhhhhh shit,we forgot to tell Shownu hyung!" Jooheon let out answering his phone
"Yeobesayo Shownu hyung?"
"Where are you guys?"
"At Rae's ,Kaeli's, I.m and Wonho's apartment"
"We are all staying the night"
"But it's a school night"
"Our school went under some temporary constructions, so I think you can have the night alone with your girlfriend Dasom, ya know what I mean"

Jooheon hung up the phone and smiled showing his deep
" yeah what Kihyun said before, where are we gonna sleep?" Jooheon said turning his eyes to everyone

"Ummmm, well.....Wonho and I.m have double bed in their room and we have double beds in our room and then there's also the couch."
Rae let out

"Yeah and Rae and I can share a be-" I.m let out
"NO!" Kihyun and jooheon yelled cutting the maknae off
"I.m's right I can share a bed with him"
"Rae! No share one with me...I won't try anything I promise" Kihyun let out
"I'll make you all sleep out side if you all don't stop, do Rock Paper Scissors and who ever wins gets to sleep beside me"

Kihyun eyeballed jooheon, jooheon do the same to I.m and I.m did the same to Kihyun it went in a triangle

First round

Kihyun put out a rock, so did i.m but jooheon did scissors (a/n: aweee poor boy)
Second round
This time it's way more intense
"Rock paper scissors"
Kihyun did scissors and...I.m...did...paper
"YESSSSSSSS!" Kihyun screamed out
Everybody laughed
"If Kihyun gets to sleep with Rae, that means I should sleep with Kaeli" Hyungwon looked confident with his statement

"Nahhhhh that's not fairrrrr, I met her first so I should!" Minhyuk whined

"Well, Kaeli and I have kissed...twice!!" Wonho said crossing his arms
Everyone looked at him, with complete 'o' shapes mouths

"WONHO!, you can't just tell everyone we kissed..." Kaeli yelled walking into her room

Everyone just went silent

"Don't worry about her, she is just a little moody and embarrassed" Rae let out with a sigh landing a seat on the couch

A few seconds later Kaeli came out being more extra than usual

"Wonho, I am very very very very very very disappointed in you"

Wonho just smiled at how cute he thought she was being
"So I decided, I'm gonna let Minhyuk and Hyungwon both sleep with you tonight" Kaeli said holding her head up and crossing her arms
The three boys just mentioned all widened their eyes
"No way!" Hyungwon disagreed

"Kaeli-ah that's not fair, just let Hyungwon and Wonho sleep together and I will sleep with you, yeah?" Minhyuk clung himself to Kaeli, whining like a lost child

"Ok, Minhyuk oppa, I will let that happen, Hyungwon and Wonho will sleep together"

"But that's not fair on me, I never done anything!" Wonho uttered

" you are perfectly right Hyungwon, you can sleep on Wonho's bed and Wonho can sleep OUTSIDE!"

Everyone looked at eachother

"KAELI UNNIE! Stop being extra, but I do agree with you...Wonho have let that slip, I mean I wouldn't want I.m letting it slip either- oh no"

"I.m you kisses Rae!!!" Jooheon and Kihyun screamed

I.m hesitated at first
"Ughhhh, yeah..." I.m said schocked

"Wow..." Hyungwon let out

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