The hotel

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Wonho pulled back and smirked at Kaeli
"Well, let's continue the game then" Wonho said, laughing to himself at the others reactions
The rest just nodded at him to shocked to be able to speak any words
"Kaeli-ah it's your time" Wonho said, whispering into Kaelis ear
"A-ah I.m truth or dare" Kaeli stuttered
"...Truth" I.m replied with a little hesitation
"Who is your favourite teacher" asked Kaeli
"Ahhh I don't know, miss ling maybe?" I.m replied "Rae truth or dare"
"Is sleep an option" Rae asked tiredly
"Did sleep look like an option" Wonho replied
"Well it did in my book, so if you could please be a gentleman and get off my bed so I can sleep, that will be fabulous" Rae said before smashing her head against the pillow
"Come on raeee, don't be like that" Kaeli said

But Rae just pushed Kaeli off the bed and rolled over

"What was that for!" Kaeli said, screaming at her
"Let me sleep, please" Rae whined
"Okay fine" Kaeli just rolled her eyes

After Rae complaining they all climbed into their beds, I.m and Wonho in one bed to their disbelief and Rae and Kaeli in the other

During the middle of the night, Rae woke up. She couldn't get back to sleep so she walked to the balcony that was connected to their room. The cold mid summer air blew in her face, as she stood at the edge of the balcony, a cold figure snaked their arms around Rae's waist, resting their head on her shoulder. Rae panicked a little until she heard the persons voice

"What are you doing out here" the person spoke

Rae turned around so she could face the figure

"I couldn't sleep, so I went to get some fresh air" Rae spoke resting her eyes slightly
"You look really tried, wanna go back inside" the person spoke
"Not really Changkyun...I want to stay out here" Rae said snuggling in close as the cold air began to hit her

I.m just smiled down at her, placing a soft kiss on her head

"But you look really cold, are you sure?" I.m asked, face full of concern
"I'm fine....really..." Rae said, eyes growing heavier by the second
"If you say so" I.m replied

Rae and I.m sat out side on the balcony until the sun rose, Rae actually feel asleep not long after her conversation but stayed there, huddled up to I.m to stay out of the early morning breeze.

When Wonho and Kaeli woke up that morning, they saw their to younger friends huddled up together on little chair off to the side on the balcony. Instead of waking them up, they took pictures of the couple, using them for further blackmail down the road. As Wonho went to snap a picture, he forgot to turn the sound down and the photo shutter went off, waking I.m and Rae in the process, Rae being the person that she is just snuggled in closer to I.m and since I.m couldn't move, he just flipped the two of them off before turning his attention to Rae and played with her hair

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