Packing pt1

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"You done" Wonho asked, pure jealousy in his voice when Kaeli put her phone away
"Oh come on, it was just hyungwon" Kaeli replied
Rae and I.m chuckled at the couple before I.m spoke up
"Well since I guess Wonho and I are moving in we better go get our shit" I.m said before receiving a smack for Wonho

The 4 of them just laughed it off before heading off to the boys dorm to pack placing the boxes on the ground and calling Shownu

(The phone call
S=Shownu I=I.m)

S: "Hello...?"
I: "Hey hyung, I need a favour"
S: "What is it this time Changkyun?"
I: "I need a lift as well as Wonho, Kaeli and Rae"
S: "But I'm in the middle of a date"
I: "Bring ya date if you have to, pleaseeee hyungggg"
S: "Fine...where do I pick you up from??"
I: Rae and Kaelis dorm
S: *Sigh* you own me Changkyun
I: Yes hyung, thank youuuuuu
S: Yeah whatever, bye
I: Byeeee

(End of phone call)

"Is he coming" Wonho asked as soon as I.m ended the call
"Yeah he'll be here soon"
"Wokayyyyyy" Rae said, taking a seat on the ground next to a box, leaning on it

~Le time skipo~

Shownu eventually arrived and the 4 climbed into the car after putting the boxes in the boot

"What are those boxes for?" Shownu asked halfway through the drive
"Oh Rae and I are moving, the girls we are living with are bitches...." Kaeli said, not taking her eyes off her phone
"Ahhh okay, where are you moving to"
"Just to a small apartment not to far away from school, about a 5minute walk would you say Rae" Kaeli said
"RAE!" Kaeli screamed after not getting a response
"Huh, what?" Rae said
"The walk from the apartment to school is about 5minutes yeah?"
"I don't fuckin know, ask a GPS system" Rae replied before turning her head looking at the window

(Btw the Shownu and his GF are in the frount of the car, Rae and Kaeli in the middle and I.m and Wonho in the back)

~Le time skipo to when the get to da dormmmmm~

As they reached the dorm I.m and Wonho as well as Rae and Kaeli all ran to they boys rooms to help them pack. Rae went with I.m as Kaeli went with Wonho

~Rae and I.m~

"Where do you want me to start" Rae asked when they reached the room
"Over there" I.m said, pointing to his dresser

Everything was going fine but a few minutes later Rae screeched

"Omo what!?" I.m said, fast walking? Over to Rae
Rae just sat on the ground covering her face
"What is it"
Rae just pointed to a pair of black boxers of into the corner that Rae had thrown after accidently picked up

Rae's face was as red as the shirt she was wearing and was shielding herself so I.m didn't see her embarrassed face

I.m just knelt down beside Rae, lifting her chin up with is finger and thumb, smirking slightly but Rae tried looked away

Keyword tried

I.m looked dead into Rae's eyes before smashing his lips into hers making Rae even redder.

I.m pulled away after awhile and rested his four head on Rae's

"Let's continue packing, yeah?"
Rae couldn't respond so she just nodded

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