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It would be an understatement if the boys said they were mad, they were furious

They full on ran to the car, jumped in and may or may not of broken the speed limit racing to the hall (they are using shownu's incase you were
confused, why? I don't know)

"Ah, shit Wonho!" I.m yelled as the school gym was in sight

"Wow, What!? What is it?!" Wonho yelled, freaking out ever so slightly

"We won't be able to get in!! We haven't brought a ticket and even if we wanted to, it's to late!" I.m said, banging his hands on the door and dashboard

"Shit..! Maybe we can just sneak in or something, just, don't. Break. The. God-damn. Car"

"Oh, yeah, sorry hyung"

"Yeah, anyway we are here, we could search around the back or something, I'm more than positive that there is a fire door there...if we can get that open then that will lead us straight into the gymnasium"

"Okay" I.m said giving him the thumbs-up

|•meanwhile in the hall•|

Rae continued to stuff her face with all the delicious foods there, even though she was worried about Kihyun, he hadn't returned back from the bathroom...she was worried but is wasn't as if she could just walk in there. It's the bloody men's room for fuck sakes

'Why would he just walk off like that...was it something that I said...' she thought to herself

Instead of worrying her little head about she decided to just ask Minhyuk

As she walked over though she could see that Minhyuk and Kaeli were in a deep conversation, so once again, she pushed her worries aside and went to go get some air

Instead of going through the "front" door like a normal people, she went through the fire emergency door, cause, yolo

She opened the door and was greeted by Wonho and I.m

"Oh um, hey?" She said slightly confused on why they were here

"Oh heyyyy Rae, what's up? How's the dance so far?" I.m asked with a nervous smile and laugh

"Good, i guess, Kihyun left me-"

"HE DID WHAT!!" I.m yelled, rage written in his eyes "WHERE IS HE?! LET ME AT HIM!?"

"Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Calm down tough guy, could of let me finish my sentence...Kihyun left me to go to the bathroom so I have just been stuffing my face with food...and Kaeli and Minhyuk were talking about, god knows about what, soo yeah alright I guess?"

I.m seemed to of calmed down a bit but was still a little pissed (mainly because Rae went with Kihyun and not himself)

"What were Kaeli and Minhyuk talking about?" Wonho asked with a cold glare

"I don't know matey, most likely about the prom photo...I mean, Minhyuk kissed her cheek and all-"

Rae immediately covered her mouth with her hands after the gossip she had just spilled from her mouth

"I mean-"

Wonho wasn't having any of this. Letting Kaeli go to the prom with Minhyuk was one thing but Minhyuk kissing her cheek was something else

'How dare he..." was the only thing going through his mind so without even thinking twice he stormed into gym and walked towards Kaeli and Minhyuk

"So, what's going on here"

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