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"Peter," I said boldly as his gaze met mine. "I need to talk to you."

He gave me a curious look, but I placed a sketchbook in his lap along with a sharpened pencil. He looked down at the book and then back up at me.

"Can you show me where you went?" I asked politely, knowing if I wanted him to co-operate, I'd have to be sweet with him. At first, he didn't know what I was getting at, until the realization must have hit him. He picked up the pencil and drew a circle. Then he drew a triangle and a few more shapes. I waited for him to finish.

When he held up the sketchbook, I saw this:

When he held up the sketchbook, I saw this:

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I gasped. " went home?"

He nodded. And suddenly, the door burst open.

"Did I just see what I thought I saw?" Anya's voice bellowed from the doorframe. "Did Peter did you do that?"

I rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Peter doesn't listen to anyone!"

"I just...I gave him a sketchbook and he drew this." I held up his drawing.

"Well," she grinned, "it looks like you two work well together."

I felt my cheeks turn pink.

"Mary-Jane, if you keep this up, we might even hire you!" And she left the room with a smile.

I looked back at Peter, 

and he was smiling too.

A/N: You guys look like you're really liking the story and it really means a lot to me! Thanks so much for all the supportive comments and votes. As a thanks, I posted another update. I hope you liked it!

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