chapter 4

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School ended and I walked back home whereas James went for swimming practice, and of course Amy followed behind saying she wants to cheer for him because that’s what ‘friends’ do. And Alex went clubbing. Even though it’s still mid-day and the sun is still up. It seems that sometimes he even comes to school the next day straight from the club. I don’t know whether he parties and drink with girls throughout the night or whether he DJs and earns his money.

It was really gloomy and dark outside.

“Might rain tonight” I thought with a bit of excitement. I love the rain.

When I reached home there was a note on the counter. ‘I’ll be getting late. Make yourself some dinner. Stay safe. Love you. Mom’.

I threw away the paper and went up for a wash.

When I was done, it was raining heavily with a loud thunder and lightning battle going on in the sky. I got into bed and lay down, tired after school and laughed to myself recalling the story Amy said about punching the girl who winked at James until her nose bled. She was fierce.

Just as I was about to wish that the electricity won’t cut off, karma hit me hard because that’s exactly what happened.

I’m scared of the dark when I’m alone. But I’m not scared of ghosts. Because I don’t believe that ghosts exist. I think it’s some fake story made up by parents to make kids study or eat, because if they don’t, a ghost will take them away.

“How silly” I thought.

Usually when mom and I watch a horror movie, mom would scream and hide her face while I just laugh at how ridiculous it is and compliment on how awesome the editing is in the movie.

I reached out towards the bed side table and fetched my phone, turning on the flashlight on, when I suddenly heard loud noises downstairs, which made my heart skip a few beats. I hid under my blanket as if my innocent, lifeless blanket would save me from whatever it might be.

All sorts of crime stories came flooding into my head. About the girl in the news who was kidnapped last week and was dumped into a river. Or the time when some guys broke into a house and killed everyone living there and stole all their belongings. I shivered at the thoughts, realizing that I’m too young to die.
The noises just kept on increasing from downstairs. I stayed frozen under my blanket, squeezing my phone tightly.

“You can do it. It’s probably a lost cat” I told myself and took a deep breath and got off the bed.

“You’re brave. You’re very brave” I motivated myself and started my way down the stairs with the flash lighting my way.

Every step I took the noises just kept getting louder and louder.

At the end of the stairs I realized that the noises were coming from the kitchen so I slowly walked towards the kitchen. To find that someone was half way inside the fridge. It was dark but was possible to see with every lightning strike lighting up the room.

I tip toed towards the fridge and held my flashlight at the fridge, using up all the bravery and strength I had stored in me. And whoever it was froze on the spot.

“Who…who…who are you?” I asked with a shaky voice.

He slowly came out of the fridge with his hands held up in surrender. As if my phone torch was a gun pointing right at him. I recognized his face.

Who it was took me by surprise.

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