chapter 15

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With that I heard a dog cry followed by a male voice screaming “go away”. Brent slowly moved away from me probably hearing the cry, I opened my eyes to see Kayden.

Suddenly the dark forest lightened up, making everything seem more brighter. But the tears that where forming in my eyes were starting to making my vision blurry. The brown wolf jumped onto Kayden when he suddenly kicked the wolf and it fell on the ground with a loud thud, followed with a cry. One by one the wolves continued to attack him when he punched or kicked the wolves away. In no time the wolves ran away crying.

I was so happy to see Kayden again and to be safe from the wolves.

“What did I just see?” questioned Brent with his eyes wide open and mouth hung open. I forgot that Brent was here and that Kayden is only visible to me.

“Let’s go back home” I suggested ignoring Brent, afraid of the questions yet to be asked by him.

“I’ll lead the way” Kayden suggested and I followed him with Brent following me.

“Do you know the way back?” Brent asked.

“Yeah I suddenly remembered” I lied and kept following Kayden, limping my way on one foot, trusting him to take us back home safely. The huge grin my face refusing to leave and my eyes eyeing Kayden as his back facing me. I was so happy to see him again, feeling relieved.

After walking for about 5 minutes we reached the entrance of the forest which was facing my house.

“Omg” Brent said in relief with a sigh and we walked back to the front porch.

“Come in. Have some dinner before you go” I suggested.

“No its fine. I think it’s best to go home now. I’m tired and you’re tired. Bye” he rejected my offer and got inside his Lamborghini and left. He was driving through our drive way. I was watching him leave when I saw the car go passing my mom who was walking towards the house.

“Who was that?” she asked.

“A friend. He came over to do our assignment” I explained.

“He owns a Lamborghini?” she asked shocked. I forgot that even she likes Lamborghinis as much as I do. I chuckled at her expression.

After dinner I went to my room and took a wash. I was dirty after falling on the ground many times and sweating with all the running. While washing I felt my knee and ankle sting. I looked down to see a deep red wound in my knee and a few cuts in my ankle. I soon finished my wash and wore my pajamas and went to the room to find Kayden sitting on my bed. He was looking down at his feet and looked up at me when I walked in. We stayed silent as I walked to my drawers and got the medicine and plasters necessary to be put into my wounds and sat on my bed next to Kayden.

“Why did you go in there?” he asked in a low voice, looking me in the eye with a serious expression. As if he wanted to shout at me and let out his anger, but was trying to keep it all in.

“Brent wanted to go and check it out, I was curious too...” I answered. It felt as if I’m answering my mom for something wrong I did. We remained silent, “and to see if you were in there…” I blurt out the rest without thinking.

“What do you mean if I was in there?”

“You were nowhere to be seen since yesterday morning. I was searching for you and waiting for you. So I thought maybe you might be in the forest.” I explained.

“I’m sorry” he said with his head hung low.

“Where were you?” I asked.

“I was here and there. I had things to think about”.

“Like what?” I wanted to know.

“Honestly… I was the one who threw the book at Brent”

“I knew it!”

“I threw it because I didn’t like the fact that he kissed you. And the reason I went missing was because I felt uneasy and jealous. I don’t know why. I’m confused on my own”

Kayden continued. My heart started to beat faster than usual. His reason was cheesy, yet it’s so cute of him. And the way he said it, with his head hung low like a puppy. A smile started to creep its way on my face, but I tried hard to not show it.

“How did I not see you then?”

“I can make myself invisible. I’m already invisible to people, but I can make myself invisible from you too. Even though you don’t realize it, I’ve been there next to you from the time I got to know that you could see and hear me. At school, during lunch, while you go to school and come back home. I’m always there next to you”

“So why don’t you make yourself visible in front of me? No one can see you anyways”

“I didn’t want to make it too obvious”

We remained silent. My mind was empty. My stomach making a 100 flips and my heart beating even faster.
“That’s so sweet of him.” The thought of him being next to me always makes me feel… safe. I feel so happy and so in ease.

“There’s an island in the middle of the forest.” I said trying to change the subject and to break the silence which was making things a lot awkward.

“Yeah. Dad and I used to go there when I was small.”

“Oh so he was the one who built the canoe and the benches and table in the island?” I asked, picturing the island we saw earlier in my head.

“Yeah” he replied. We used to hangout there. Have our boys time.

And I started to picture cute little Kayden playing catch with his dad, or even talking about girls he used to crush on.

“Thank you for saving us. If it weren’t for you I don’t know what would’ve happened.”

“You don’t need to thank me” he said scratching his neck nervously.

“Are you ok? Are the wounds the only injuries?”

“Yeah, that’s all… actually I don’t know why, but I was screaming out for you while the wolves where attacking us. I was so frightened so the words didn’t leave my mouths, but in my head I was calling out for you for help” I said feeling embarrassed.

“Really?” he asked excited with a huge grin playing across his face. And I smiled with a nod in reply.

He then took the medicine and applied them gently on my wounds.

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