chapter 28

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As I slowly walked through the garden looking around to see if I could spot him anywhere, realization hit me that the garden looked extra beautiful tonight, with the full moon glowing proudly in the night sky surrounded by the beautiful twinkly stars, and all the garden lamps and lights along the drive-through was switched on  for our visitors. Even the fountain looked extra beautiful tonight with its water running and lights beaming from inside making the statue more visible though its night.

Then I noticed Kayden was sitting in corner of the fountain with a huge grin on his face, staring right at me. I walked towards him and took a seat next to him.

“Why are you smiling like that?” I questioned.

“Do you know how beautiful you look?” he replied making my cheeks burn up and I looked down in embarrassment not wanting him to see my expression.

As I looked down my attention went to the necklace he gave me. “Where did you get this from?” I asked being the curious person that I am.

“Oh, its my moms” he replied.

I looked at him in shock. “why are you giving it to me? Isn’t it the last token you have left of her?”

“True but I want you to have it” he said looking at me with sincere eyes.

“What happened to your parents? You still didn’t tell me. If you don’t mind me asking that is”

“Oh its totally fine you asking, well my mom actually passed away when I was very young, When I was 10 actually. She was sick. But my dad and I died when we got into a car crash” he replied, his voice a bit shaky.

Then I started to imagine a 10 year old boy with his gorgeous blue eyes, running around happily in this very house, with his parents. The whole family having a great time. When suddenly everything crashes down, the days go from colorful to black and white when the doctors mention that his mom wont have much time left with the family.

His parents convincing him everything is alright with a fake smile upon their lips while their hearts breaking from the inside, wanting their little son to be happy. However Kayden understanding the whole situation cry himself to sleep at night, while he too paste a fake smile upon his lips.

When suddenly one day the doctors rush to his moms hospital room with the loud beep of her heartbeat stopping fill the room. His father falling on his knees next to her crying, while little Kayden not wanting to show his grief goes to a silent corner and cries with the happy memories of his mother starting to play in his head, holding tight the necklace she gave him 2 days back.

Since that day, his mother is not included in their daily life routines, his dad acting as if he is fine but cries himself to sleep everyday, missing the love of his life.

I know the feeling since I was around the same age as little Kayden when my dad left me and mom. However I know its nothing compared to your mother passing away and knowing that she is not in this world anymore.

I soon hugged Kayden and he leaned his head against my chest. I brushed my fingers through his hair trying to comfort him, when he starts to moan and scream loudly in pain, his hands tightening his chest.

I suddenly stood up in surprise, not knowing what to do.

“What is happening to him again?”
He fell to the ground from where he was sitting, I kneel down next to him, my vision blurred with tears.

He continued screamed in utter pain.

“KAYDEN!” I screamed next to him, not knowing what to do.

Just like the previous time, his fingers started to disappear against mine, totally transparent. With pain in his eyes he looked up at his hands, and tears started to crawl down his cheeks.

I cupped his face, still crying “Kayden what is happening?” I asked

“I don’t know” he replied with a shaky voice.

When I looked down at him, I realized that this time even his legs had disappeared all the way up to his thighs.

I fell back in surprise.

“What? No!” I said holding onto his face with his whole body starting to disappear faster than the previous time.

His legs started to disappear all the way to his stomach, his arms almost gone. He was still crying in pain.
I moved close to his face, “Kayden. Kayden, do you hear me? Kayden”
But the only reply I received was his cries.

Realization hit me that this might be the last time I see him and that he might disappear forever. 

“I love you” came the words through Kayden’s lips. I stared at him blankly, tears still rolling down my cheek.

Through the unbearable pain he set his eyes on mine, repeating “I love you”

My words got stuck in my throat, confused, not knowing what to say. Then my thoughts came rushing into me. For weeks I didn’t want to admit to myself that I desired and loved him, because it could’ve never worked between us.

However I couldn’t explain the magnetic attraction I had for him. Missing him everyday, the strong urge to hear his voice, worrying like crazy when he started to disappear.

I soon reached for him, my arms wrapped around whatever that was left of him, realizing my true feelings for him, which I have been denning for so long and I whispered in his ear, “I love you too” crying louder, my tears dripping to his shoulders. His eyes where full of emotions, pain an happiness all together. I couldn’t help but smile through the tears.

Hi eyes shut slowly with a last tear rolling down his cheek, I couldn’t help but cry out loud. Excruciating pain gushing through my chest, the thought of not seeing Kayden again felt like a millions arrows through my heart.

“No Kayden please, I need you, don’t leave me” I cried against his remaining face and neck
When suddenly his eyes shot open and his body becoming whole and visible again.

From behind us came a voice
“Kylie? Who is that friend with you?” she asked.

Both mine and Kayden’s eyes opened wide in surprise in realizing that mom was able to see him now.

That’s when I realized, I just had to say it just once.

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