chapter 27

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The next morning I was awakened by the loud pop of parties poppers and screams right in my ear. I took a glimpse at the clock in my bedside stool to see its still 8 am.

“Urghh" I groaned and covered my face with a pillow trying to go back to sleep when I suddenly felt weight on top of me. It felt like an elephant just stepped on me.

“It’s your birthday! Wakeup already" goes Amy jumping on my back.

“Fine fine, now get off of me. You weight a tone".

As soon as I said that Amy got off of me and I sat up to see mom. Her face was full of happiness with a smile spreading from ear to ear. Amy hands me a present wrapped nicely. I shook the box next to my ear just to get a clue on what it may be. I heard something inside but just couldn’t figure it out, so I ripped off the wrapping to find matt black headphones which I wanted because my pair broke.

“Omg Amy! Lifesaver. I love it, thank you" I said hugging her tight.

“Me next" says mom handing me a wrapped gift which is very soft. I opened it to a beautiful white knee length maxi dress with a floral lace pattern going on in the front top.

“I love it mom. Thank you. I’m going to wear it to the party tonight” I said hugging her close.

It was soon evening. I didn’t see Kayden the whole day. I was anyways spending time with mom and Amy. Baking cake for the party, doing a bit of last minute cleaning and decorating the house.

Later that evening, a hour before the party, I’m in my room all dressed up, sitting in front of my mirror, doing my hair when mom walked into the room.

“You look so beautiful Kylie" she said wrapping her arms around my neck from behind and placing a soft kiss on my head.

“Well, whose daughter am I?” I said with a grin. Right then I heard the door bell ring.

“Maybe its one of your friends" she said and went to check on who it was. I continued fixing my hair and makeup when I caught someone standing behind me through the mirror.

“Kayden" I said while turning around. He was standing beside my bed with aa huge grin in his face.

“Happy Birthday Kylie. You look…” he stopped mid-sentence and scanned me head to toe while I did full slow spin for him “beautiful" he finished. “You look so beautiful” he repeated in a soft voice sounding very sincere which melted my heart.

“Thank you" I said staring back into his gorgeous eyes.

“Take a seat” he said patting on the bed next to him and I do as told. “I have something for you" he sad reaching to his back pocket and taking out a small box. A jewelry box. He opens it and inside was a beautiful heart shaped pendant made of white gold and a red ruby placed neatly in the middle.

“Omg Kayden, its so pretty" I said with my eyes still on the pendant, admiring its beauty.

“Let me put it on for you" he said and I turned around gathering my hair to the side allowing him to put it on for me. Once done I turned back to face him and his expression said it all.

“Its so beautiful on you Kylie" my cheeks started to heat up so I looked down at my new necklace to avoid Kayden seeing my embarrassed face, however the necklace was indeed beautiful.

“Kylie come down, all your friends are here" said Amy from my room door, thank god she can’t see Kayden. I could just imagine her expression seeing a guy in my room.

“I’ll be right there” I replied and off she went. I looked back at Kayden.
“You should go and be a good host to your guests. Its your party” said Kayden. I so badly didn’t want to go, however I have no choice.

“Fine alright" I said standing up and walking towards the door.

Once I went downstairs, the whole floor was packed with people. I walked past so many of my friends and moms friends. Everyone wished me one by one and me replying with a thank you.

With that I heard loud music from the right side of the house. I turned to the see, Alex, the school DJ who has brought all his DJ equipment along with him.

“Hey Alex, thank you for playing at my party".

“Are you kidding me bro, it’s my pleasure. Oh and Happy Birthday”
I thanked him and continued my way towards the crowd when I spotted Amy and James having their own conversation, having fun. James has asked her out officially during prom and the two of them are now dating. The thought of that brought a smile to my face because I’m so happy for her. She has been having a crush on him for a really long time.

I introduced James to my mom as Amy’s boyfriend and they both turned red in embarrassment and I continued introducing all my friends, including Alex.

Once I was done, I turned around to see Jason standing by the door with a huge grin in his face. I went to talk with him when he handed me a wrapped gift. “Happy Birthday Kylie” he wished. Jasmine told me to wish you for her as well since she is not able to come for your party.

“Tell her I said thank you. She’s so sweet, I miss her. Please go in and have some snacks and something to drink” I suggested and he went inside joining the crowd of heads in our house living room.

Later to the night I met Brent, I didn’t want to lose the friendship we had and make it awkward between us, so I invited him as well to the party.

Same as the others, he too wished me for my birthday and joined his fellow basketball friends.

“Hi everyone, it’s time to cut the cake” announced my mom and I walked awkwardly towards the table with the red velvet cake mom, Amy and I baked in the afternoon. Everyone stood in a circle around the table while I stood embarrassed in front of the cake.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kylie, happy birthday to you” everyone sang and I blew the candles feeling a blush burn my cheeks with everyone cheering and clapping, all eyes on every move I make. I wasn’t a huge fan of being under the spotlight.

Is it bad that I’m looking forward to eating cake more than unwrapping my presents? I’m 19 now and here’s to remembering the day I was expelled from a uterus and grace the earth with my charming presence.

“Lets get this party started!” screamed Alex to the mic and started playing dance music, lights went dim and everyone screamed running to the dance floor, AKA our living room. I watched everyone have fun and the thought of Kayden popped into my mind. I looked around trying to see if he was anywhere around, however he was nowhere to be found.

I left the house in search for Kayden.

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