chapter 5

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It was the guy who keeps disappearing.

He was wearing the same clothes. He had his eyes wide open in shock with a bun, which he was eating, hanging from his mouth. Suddenly the electricity came back on, lighting the whole house and as if on cue, the bun fell from his mouth to the floor, but he still had his mouth open in shock. I couldn’t help but think how cute it was.

“What is seriously wrong with me? there is this guy who you have been seeing everywhere the house since the time you moved in, and he mysteriously disappears every time, and he’s standing in front of you, who’s bun just fell from his mouth and you think it’s cute. YOU SHOULD BE PANIKING AND CALLING THE COPS. NOT THINKING IT’S CUTE!!!”

“What are you doing here?” I questioned.

“I got hungry” He replied with no hesitations as if it was the most obvious thing to say.

“How did you get inside?”

“I live here. I sleep on the couch” he said as if he has been doing it all his life.

I just stood there amazed and loss of words.

“So you’ve been sleeping on our couch and eating our food this whole time?”

“Well yea. You moved in yesterday. How would you know?”

“That makes sense” I agreed.

“Didn’t the previous owner of the house inform you that the house was sold and the new owners moved in? You can’t just sneak into people’s homes and sleep on their couch and at their food”

“Wait!” he said suddenly and looked at me in horror. “You can see me?”

“What type of a question is that” I thought.

“Duh I can I’m not blind”

“You can hear me?”

“What? Yes”

“Is he a crazy guy” I thought.

“Why would I not see you or hear you?” curiosity took over me.

“Well I’m a ghost. No one has ever seen me or heard me” he blurt out with no thought.

I burst out laughing. “You? Ghost?” and continued laughing my guts out.

And he just stood there glaring at me with his arms cross one on another against his chest. The muscles in his arms getting tightened and his veins showing.  After an eternity of laughing I finally settled down.

“Prove it” I challenged. Already knowing that he would have no way to prove such a ridiculous thing and not wanting to fall for his childish pranks. Then with a blink he disappeared again. I looked all around but couldn’t see him. A million questions gushing through my mind and my heart beating rising fast. I rubbed my eyes a few times to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. 

Just as I was about to call out for him, freaked out, the door flew open and my mom walked in and the guy was still nowhere to be seen.

“What are you doing?” asked mom.

“Nothing. Just got hungry” I lied nervously. And her gaze went towards the bun on the floor.

Without thinking twice I ran up the stairs and into my room and got on to my bed. Question after question flooding my head.

“Is he really a ghost?”

“But ghosts don’t exist”

“Does he really sleep on our sofa?”

“If he is a ghost how does he eat?”

“Why was he in this house?”

Just then I felt a presence in my bed. I soon got up to see the ghost guy sitting in the side of my bed looking at me with a ‘it’s okay’ expression making me feel less frightened, calming me down.

For some reason I didn’t feel scared of him. I felt as if he was another ordinary human guy. Maybe because he looks like an ordinary guy. I didn’t believe in ghosts… well… till now. But according to my imagination and movies, ghosts where supposed to look like dead people. Their heads and bodies separated, a missing eye, blood everywhere, long hair covering their faces and white gowns, etc.

Just as he was about open his mouth to say something I heard a knock on the door followed by my mom’s voice.

“Are you ok honey?” she asked from the other side.

“Yeah I’m fine mom” I replied.

“Okay then, Good night”

“Good night” With that I heard her footsteps slowly fade away.

“You look like you have a lot of questions in your head” he said regaining my full attention on him, with a soft smile.

“Oh god, he looks so hot.” I thoughts and mentally slapped myself back to reality.

“Um…well yeah I do”

“Then ask a way” he suggested getting more comfortable in my bed.

“Are you really a ghost?”


“How did you become one?”

“Well once I got into a car accident while I was on my way to school and died on the spot”

“Wow that’s must’ve been totally unexpected” I thought feeling scared to go to school again.

“How long have you been dead for?”

“2 years”

“How old are you?”


“He’s one year elder”

“Why do you stay here?”

“I used to live here before u did. So when I died my soul just floated here. That’s all the questions?” and suddenly I remembered.

“Why did u ask if I can see you or hear you? That’s a really stupid question”

“Well no one can see me or hear me. You’re the first. So I was and am surprised”

“How come only I can?” I asked curiously.

“I don’t know” he replied. And we both just stood there in silence. I was confused but I was out of questions to ask and out of nowhere a yawn escaped my lips, which broke the silence. He chuckled at it.

“You better sleep now. You got school tomorrow” he suggested.

“Yeah” I agreed and just as I was about to get to sleep I remembered and asked,
“Are you going to sleep in our sofa tonight too?”

“Yeah…” he replied.

“What’s your name?” I asked realizing that I didn’t know his name yet.

“I’m Kayden” he said with a smile.

“I’m Kylie” I said returning his smile.

And with a blink as always he disappeared. And I laid down on my bed. Not sure if I would actually fall asleep after what just happened. It’s not usual to move into a new house and find a hot ghost, whom only you can see, hear and talk to. And he sleeps on your sofa.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I felt someone’s presence next to me. And I also felt an arm wrapped around my waist.

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