chapter 9

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“So…” he broke the silence with a huge smirk spread across his face. A sudden change in his expression making me nervous on whkat he is going to ask me.

“You’re a tough girl huh? Fighting over food and boys” he asked with a slight smirk.

“Ha-ha” I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head.

“Who is this Jason guy?” he questioned with a curious expression.

“Well as you heard from what mom said he is was our neighbor at our previous house. He and his family moved into the same neighborhood 2 years after we did. He has a sister named Jasmine.

They both came to greet us as our new neighbors with a bowl of pudding. That’s when I first met them. Actually didn’t know that they were sitting in our living room. I was taking a bath and went down in my towel because my shampoo was over. I didn’t expect anyone except my mom to be home. When I was going down the stairs I was calling out for mom when I saw him and his sister staring at me with a shocked expressions. Talk about the best first impression. Omg it was so embarrassing. I literally froze on the spot.
What I fell for in Jason was that, like a gentlemen he soon looked away. And the next day I had to go and return the bowl back to them. I was so embarrassed to go but my mom forced me to do so. I rang the doorbell it was he who opened the door. At that moment I thought I would I die of embarrassment!

His mom called me in and didn’t let me leave since she wanted me to try the new dessert she has made. While I was eating it Jason sat next to me and we started talking about each other. I actually totally forgot about what happened the day before. I felt comfortable with him and we kept talking for hours.

When I was about to leave he said that he has erased what he saw the day before from his mind and told me not to worry or to feel embarrassed about it. That made me happy and relieved.  
We went to the same school so we went to school and came back home together. He was really famous at school. Thanks to his good looks. He had many girls chasing after him, but he ignored them all. He didn’t seem to be interested in anything of that sort. I was actually very confused on why he was like that. Because all sorts of girls came at him. Famous, rich, models, etc. Almost all the girls in school hated me and was jealous of me since I was his neighbor and that I was the only girl he talked to.

Once a girl pulled me from my hair and warned me to stay away from him and that he was hers. Jason saw that and he warned the whole school to let me be and that if anyone touched me that there would be trouble. He was very serious when he said it, so everyone was really scared and did as he said. It was romantic and I was so touched by it. So my crush towards him grew. And I started to like him a lot.

The day we moved was so sad since Kingwood is so far from home. Jasmine cried a river. Jason didn’t let go of my hand the whole day. It made me think twice about moving, yet it was for mom, so just like I felt my house and memories, I left my feelings for him behind as well” I finished off with a sigh not realizing that I’ve been telling the whole story for so long, and Kayden was sitting next to me listening to every word I said closely.

“It must’ve been boring for you to listen”

“No it was fine. You seem to enjoy talking about him a lot” he said with his eyes narrowed in suspicion. I stayed silent because I didn’t know how to answer that question.
We both stayed silent for a few seconds when Kayden suddenly broke the silence.

“What does he look like? Is he cute? Hot? Better looking than me?” he asked the questions all at once, one after another.

“Um well…” I thought of an answer. He kept looking right at me waiting for my answer like a puppy waiting for its master to give it food.

“Obviously your way better looking” I thought. Thankfully he can’t read my mind. Or it would’ve been so embarrassing.

“He is very strong and masculine since he is in the football team. He is tan and tall.” I started to describe Jason. I saw the expression in Kayden’s face. He was twitching his mouth with an angry expression in his face, looking down.

“Why does he have that expression? Did I say something wrong? Is he mad at something?” I thought, confused.

“You should sleep” he suggested. My face fell in reply. I don’t know why. I didn’t want him to leave.

“Okay…”I said even though deep down I wanted to scream telling him to stay a bit more.

“Bye” he winked and disappeared making me even sadder. He went so fast. But my stomach made flips because he looked so cute when he winked. I smiled to myself in excitement pushing away the sadness I felt about him leaving and laid back in my bed and looked at the flower next to me  and fell asleep.

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