chapter 19

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It wasn’t long before all the vehicles started to leave the parking lot and drive their way towards Jim’s house.

Jim is a member of the basketball team, well known as a huge flirt and every girls dream guy. But not mine. His parents own huge manufacturing companies. Go to a supermarket and buy a product, chances are that it’s manufactured by their company. It’s as seeing ‘MADE IN CHINA’ in almost everything.

We reached Jims house in minutes. His house was situated where the rich people live. Wide roads, where you could fit about 10 vehicles horizontally. It wasn’t hard to spot Jims house. The road full of all sorts of vehicles and people pooling in with red cups and beer cans in their hands.

We were about 100 meters far from his house, trying to find parking space, yet I could feel my heart vibrate to the beat of the music that is playing from the house. All sorts of neon lights and lazar lights shoot up to the sky.

We found parking space and started our way towards the house. My legs shaking, regretting every step I took.

The closer we got, the louder the music got. It was deafening. You couldn’t hear your own voice. The doorstep itself felt like an entrance to a cave of regret. Girls and guys playing tongue hockey with random strangers. Some drunk and blacked out all over the place.

We walked through the crowd and through the gigantic doors to find a devils party inside. Loud techno music, the DJ screaming into the mic and the crowd going crazy, screaming and cheering and sweaty with all the dancing. The dance floor was packed with people. Some stumbling over each other. The air reeked of the smell of sweat, alcohol and cigarette mixed. We just came in, and I already feel nauseous, with the bad smell, blinding lights and deafening loud music.

I turned to my right to find James dragging Amy to the dance floor. I smiled at how cute they looked and went on my way ignoring everyone to find the kitchen to get myself a cup of water, since the dry atmosphere was making my throat feel dry. It was hard for me to find the kitchen because the house was huge like a maze and was crowded with people.
The first thing I saw when I got to the kitchen was a couple making out aggressively on the kitchen counter, making me feel uncomfortable. But luckily the kitchen was less crowded, yay me, I hate people.

I got myself a bottle of water, feeling very uncomfortable and awkward since for my unluckiness the water bottles where right next to the couple. I reached out and got a bottle and moved to the opposite end of the kitchen and started to refresh myself.

“Having fun?” walked in Brent.

“You think?” I answered sarcastically.

He fetched himself a bottle of water eyeing the couple and joined me. And I laughed at his expression.

“You actually came”

“Well I didn’t really have a choice” we smiled at each other.

“Brent Coach is calling for you” said one of the team members.

“Go” I said.

“Will you be alright? I’ll be back soon. Stay here” he said worriedly

“I’m not 5 Brent.” I said with a smirk and he left with his team members
Drinking a whole bottle of water got the best of me and nature decided to give me a call out of nowhere. I left the kitchen and walked through the crowd and up the stairs to find a toilet since the first floor toilet was occupied with a girl vomiting her insides out.

After what felt like a forever, search in this huge house, I finally found a room which didn’t have any couples doing ‘it’. I walked into the washroom and finished my business to find Jim inside the room.

“Hey…cool party” I said feeling uncomfortable with the expression he had on.

“You look pretty.” He said with a rough voice, showing that he is really very drunk.

“I should get back down, my friends are probably searching for me” I excused and tried to walk pass him but he snatched my hand and pushing me against a wall.

“Where do you think you’re going? Your mine tonight” he said with a mischievous smile making me shake and frightened.

“Let go you douche” I said trying to fight my hands away from his tight grip but he was too strong even thought he was drunk. I tried kicking him in his ‘ding dong’ but he moved at the right time to dodge it, his hands still pinning me against the wall. He slowly started to lean his, his eyes closed. I kept on struggling and screaming “let go of me”. Our noses where touching and he was just inches away from me when the door suddenly flew open, startling the both of us.

“Let go of her, asshole” I recognized the voice. It was Brent. I finally felt relieved and was able to breathe and feel my blood flow again.

Jim moved away from me and before anyone could say or do anything Brent came rushing towards Jim and threw a punch at his face. Jim fell flat on the ground and passed out with a bleeding nose.

“Are you alright?” Brent asked with a worried expression and came towards me and pulled me into a hug. His hand brushing through my hair. I felt safe yet uncomfortable at the same time. I put my hands against Brent’s arms and pushed him slowly and nodded, stating that I was fine. But I wasn’t. My eyes were filling up with tears, blurring my vision.

“Let me take you home.”

We left the room and walked down the stairs. I scanned the crowd to find Amy or James to inform them that I will be leaving, in case they would be searching for me. That’s when my vision started to get even more blurry. But this time it wasn’t because of the tears. It was hard for me to breath. I spotted someone familiar. But my vision was not clear in order to recognize who it was. It looked like Kayden. I tried to call out him, “KAY…” I couldn’t finish my sentence, everything went black. I fell to the ground.

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