chapter 20

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“Hey are you ok?” I heard Brent ask but I didn’t have the energy to reply. Everything was blurred and going on circles. I felt Brent carry me, bridle style. I looked again to see the person who I think was Kayden, but he was gone.

Thankfully I didn’t blackout but was feeling very dizzy. Brent carried me towards his black Hummer. “How rich is this guy?”

I felt better after drinking some water that Brent offered. He drove me back home. “You want me to take you inside?”

“No its fine. Thank you” I said with a smile and walked up to the door to find Kayden sitting on the doorstep. I turned around to see Brent driving away. I sat next to Kayden. He had his head hung low.

“Hey” I said softly keeping my hand on his shoulder in order to comfort him. But he didn’t look or say a word.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. He lifted his head and looked at me. He had a furious expression on his face.

“Nothing, nothing’s wrong” he snapped and stood up then he punched the wall. But I doubt it hurt him. Since he is dead. But it still did worry me.

“What is wrong? Tell me” I stood up too and asked starting to worry about his sudden change in behavior.

“What happened at the party today?” he asked, his teeth gritting.

“How do you know…?”

“I was there alright. I got late to come because of my dad’s memorial took more time. I was at the island and was lost in the memories I had while dad was alive” his voice started to break.

“So was it you I saw?” and he nodded. Tears starting to run down his cheeks.

“Hey what’s wrong?  Tell me. I’m starting to worry” I walked towards him and tried to embrace him in to a hug to comfort him, but he pushed me away. I stood there staring at him in surprise.

“Do you know how much it hurts? To see you in trouble and not being able to help or do anything? I want to beat that guy up so bad that he won’t be able to recognize his own self. And Brent! Omg…it should be me who should take care of you. Not him” he blurt out, sobbing, his eyes turning red, and tears kept on rolling down his cheeks. My face started to heat up and my heart beating fast. I couldn’t take it. I walked up to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, burying his head to my neck.

We slowly pulled apart and stared at each other for a second when Kayden cupped my cheek and pulled me towards him, crashing his lips on mine. It felt like heaven.  I couldn’t help but smile, I was happy.

We went up the stairs. Kayden was holding my hand the whole time. I never thought ghosts could physically touch humans, I always imagined them to go through like in cartoons. Walk through doors, walls, people, etc. Once we entered my room I let go of his hand and walked into the washroom to refresh myself, whereas Kayden laid down on my bed. I closed the washroom door behind me and leaned against it and let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in. I was excited, my face heating up, a million questions popping into my head. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was smiling, because of Kayden. I’m happy.

I soon took a wash and walked into the room. Kayden was still lying down, his eyes closed. I sat next to him and leaned towards his face to see if he was really sleeping. He didn’t move. Assuming he is sleeping I studied his face. Flawless skin, well sharped nose structure and a tempting Adams apple, long lashes, sharp jawline, and neck line.

Deciding not to wake him up, I tried to sit myself up when Kayden suddenly pulled me towards him, startling me. I was now laying down next to him with my head resting on his arm. “Where you think you’re going?” his husky voice ringing in my ears.

“I thought you fell asleep” I said giggling. He pushed me down and pinned me against the bed. This time he was on top of me. We kept staring into each other’s eyes. No words spoken. Our eyes doings all the talking. He slowly closed the remaining space between us and kissed me slowly.

We kept kissing, his soft lips against mine and my lips against his, until he suddenly got up saying “you need to sleep. You got school tomorrow” and I groaned in reply against the bed. I don’t want him to go. I don’t want to sleep. I don’t want this happy moment to end. I couldn’t explain the magnetic feeling I had towards him. I want him to stay, with me.

“Stay. Stay with me tonight” I blurt out.

He looked at me and then a smile started to spread across his face. He kissed me one more time.

“Come let’s sleep” he said moving towards the pillow and tapping the space next to him. I rush towards him and lean against his chest. I felt so comfortable, like never before. He swung his arms around me, tightening his grip, squeezing me closer into him. It wasn’t long before the darkness took over my vision.

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