chapter 8

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“Why are you home early?” I asked.

“Well I came home early to spend some mother-daughter time with you” she said sounding happy. Just as she said that I noticed Kayden was sitting in the sofa with his legs resting on top of the coffee table with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow jerked up, looking straight at me. It made me nervous yet happy. I was happy to see him. My face suddenly lit up by his presence and all my exhaustion from school just left me like a soul leaving its body.

“Um…well what’d you want to do” I asked mom, trying my best not to make it obvious that my attention was on something invisible behind her.

“SHOPPING!” mom screamed, startling me and dragged me out of the house before I could say anything. I couldn’t help but giggle at her childishness. Sometimes I forget who the teenager is and who the parent is.

We spent the next few hours roaming around, shop by shop, trying out clothes and having fashion shows embarrassing ourselves in front of everyone. Kayden followed us, as he has nothing else to do at home other than haunt around the house.

He was rolling on the floor laughing pointing at us. It totally shows how ridiculous we may be looking. I was thankful that only I was able to see him because he looked super cute.

“I’m tired”. Mom said huffing and puffing wearing her unmatched yellow left shoe and pink right shoe and a sun hat big enough to fit 2 heads on top of her head and her shades hanging upside down from her ears. No wonder Kayden is laughing his lungs out.

“I’m hungry. Let’s go for dinner” I suggested noticing that it was already dark outside. We were having so much fun to notice that time has already passed. It has really been a while since mom and I had some time with each other. Since I was a child, mom and I were really close. Telling each other secrets, discussing about boys and going shopping often, for pedicures, etc. But things suddenly changed. Especially after dad left us, all mom did was work and try to earn some living. We became distant. We would just see each other in the mornings, and I would see her at night sometimes. Other days she would come home late or not even come home because she would have late night patients or surgeries. And as I grew up I had my own drama such as school and exams to deal with.

I’m so happy to see mom laugh and have fun. She was glowing and bright. As if she’s back to life. To her old self.
Mom paid for all that we bought and we left the shop and started our way towards a restaurant. Kayden was walking next to me. For some unknown reason I felt happy that he was with us. It felt warm, safe and complete.

“The night air is so refreshing” mom said taking in a deep breath.

I smiled in agreement and continued our way when a gang of boys walked pass us and one guy was walking close to me where we would’ve knocked each other down if it wasn’t for Kayden. He soon put his hand around my waist and pulled to the side.

“Are you ok?” he asked with his eyes open wide and looking worried.

“Yeah I fine” I answered, my cheeks burning.

“You said anything dear?” mom asked.

“Huh? No I didn’t” I waved her off and couldn’t help but giggle while Kayden laughed next to me. I smiled nervously at how protective Kayden is.

“That was so sweet of him” I thought. And we continued our way and stopped at ‘ARCHIES PASTA’.

I ordered my favorite cheese pasta and mom ordered meatball pasta. Kayden sat in the seat next to mom, in front of me. He had his eyes on me the whole time making me nervous.

As we waited till our food arrived mom started to tell stories. “I knew she would start” I thought.

“I remember when you were small we went to a friend’s party and you ended up fighting with your cousin sister because she ate the last cupcake. It was so funny for everyone. You where such a cupcake lover” she said laughing by herself and Kayden finding it hard to breathe because he is laughing too much. Still not realizing what is so funny about it.

“And also another day when you were a bit older, you fought with Hilary because you caught her winking at Jason next door. You had a major crush on him since you first met him” she continued with a smirk and my face turning red with embarrassment. Kayden didn’t laugh for that. He just stared at me with a shocking expression as if he has many questions to ask me.

“Sorry we had to move” her expression changed into disappointment.

“It’s ok mom” I said with a smile, trying to comfort her. True I miss home, my friends and all the memories. But now I got a new home, new friends and I’m making new memories. And if you look at the bright tide, I wouldn’t’ve met Kayden if we didn’t move here in the first place. It was such a big turn in my life. My life went from a boring to a fun life where I’m suddenly seeing and being friends with a hot ghost.
We continue to stay when Kayden started to make weird funny fascial expressions. It was so funny yet I tried no to laugh. My face was burning up.

Just as a laugh was about to escape my lips, I tried to drink a mouth full of water, to which I almost choked on. Mom was using her phone texting someone to which she didn’t notice.

Just then the waiter arrived with our food and we started eating and I saw that Kayden had his elbow resting on the table and his chin resting on his hand, staring at me with a slight smile painted across his face. I don’t know why but he has been staring at me, many times today, but I didn’t seem to get used to it. Each time it makes my stomach turn and feel nervous. My face heating up and my lips trying to smile but I force myself not to make it obvious.

“Ahem”. I cleared my throat feeling awkward. He still continued to stare.

“Is the food not ok?” asked mom noticing my sudden change in expressions.

“Oh no mom, it tastes good” I said with my mouth full of pasta. Kayden giggled from the side.

After we were done we left Archie’s Pasta and started our way back home. Kayden walked with us. I felt safe and happy that he was with us. I don’t know why. I felt at ease. My mind was empty. I felt as if I got nothing to worry or think about at the moment. I was literally skipping my way back home and mom laughed seeing me.

“You know Kylie, it’s been 7 years since I saw you smile and so happy. I don’t know why you’re so happy but I hope it continues”. She said with a huge grin spread across her face. I stared at her surprised trying to understand what she just said and what it meant.

When we got home I went straight up to my room, tired and I went for a wash. I wore my cute purple unicorn shorts and purple tank top and fell on to the bed totally exhausted, realizing how much I missed my bed and how relaxing it is to lay down on it again. I closed my eyes trying to sleep because my eyes lids were feeling so heavy, when I felt a presence in my room.

“Are you asleep?” I shot my eyes open and sat back up to see Kayden standing beside my bed, very much like a ghost. He sat in the side of my bed. He had his left hand behind his back.

“Your mom is so funny and cute” he said with a small giggle, his hand still behind his back. I blushed and smiled in return and tried to peek and see what he had behind his back.

“Where did you go?” I asked, curiosity taking over me. Because on our way back he disappeared few meters away from home.

“Oh” he said with a smile spreading across his face and he slowly brought his hand out in front of me. He was holding a plant. A green stem with a purple flower bud on top.

“I went to get this” he said. I looked at him confused when suddenly the bud slowly opened. Petal by petal, naturally, taking its time to wake up. I looked at it amazed. It was beautiful. Something I’ve never seen before. The petals slowly opened to reveal a beautiful purple Lilly. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

“How…how…how did u?” I asked my words getting jumbled. I had no words to say and I was in shock, amazed by the beauty of what I just witnessed. Kayden smirked and with his eyes he signaled me to take the flower. I took the flower, still staring at it, amazed.

“I’m a ghost remember.” He said stating the obvious.

“You can do magic?”

“Well I don’t know if it’s magic or not. Ghosts can move things and do things to scare people. I think it’s something like that” he said shrugging as if it was nothing.

“How did u do it?” I asked impatiently.

“Well I just stare at it and concentrate” he answered with a slight smile.

I got off my bed and fetched the vase that was sitting empty in my table, filled it up with water and put the flower in it and kept the vase on my bedside table.

“Thank you” I said with a smile and he smiled back, warmly.

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