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Just after the reception party, the newlyweds said their goodbyes and took off to their new house, a wedding gift from Sehun's parents. Luhan was more than excited to start a new life with his 'husband' and yet nervous at the same time. If anyone (apart from his uncle and aunt) would've asked him a few hours ago how he felt about this whole arranged marriage idea, Luhan would've literally punched on their face followed by a series of curses.

Try getting yourself all dressed up in a fucking suit and be the fucking bride when you're a man ( and that too, a manly man) and on the top of everything getting married to a total stranger whom you'll be seeing for the first time!

Before when there was nothing told to him about this person with whom he was going to spend the rest of his life, Luhan had imagined him to be approx twenty-nine with no sense of fashion at all (because he was sure the guy would be a fucking old crazy). The only fact he knew about this mysterious guy was that just like him, he belonged to a rich, powerful family (again, obvious) and was very smart. Nothing else had anyone said about his other half, not even his cousin Yixing whom he trusted with his life hence confirming the poor boy's doubts. His thought his family was really giving him away as a business bait.

And it was heartbreaking.

But when he locked his eyes with Sehun, Luhan knew he was already in love. Sehun was nothing that he had imagined him to be, not even close. He looked way too young and if Luhan didn't know that he worked in an office, he would've definitely mistaken him for a university student. He was beyond his wildest imaginations. Sehun was unearthly.

Luhan wondered if the workers at Sehun's office found it difficult to keep their eyes off him just like how it was for him. He didn't seem to be the talkative type, it was quite clear from the way their ride had been screaming silent. There were no awkward hellos', no introductions, nothing. Sehun didn't even spare him a glance for all this time but Luhan didn't mind because if anything, it made him fall for the taller man more. The mist of mystery surrounding Sehun was like a gravity, pulling him in without much effort and Luhan decided he liked it. He wanted to fall further. This was a person he wanted to know more than he'd ever felt before. This was a guy he could love for an eternity.

"We're here," said Sehun. Luhan turned to the other and before he could respond, the taller stepped out of the car leaving him alone. It came quite as a shock to him because not only Sehun had walked away but also not for once did he bother to look behind to check if Luhan was following him in or not.

Maybe he is tired.

Sighing loudly, Luhan stepped out of the car and stared at his new home in awe. Unlike the other expensive looking houses in the neighborhood, this one looked like it was cut out from Architects Today magazine. Everything was geometric, which Luhan guessed can be said about any other houses with square windows, but on this house, you couldn't help but notice it. The roof was flat for a start and the door as wide as it was tall. The windows took up the entire walls with only polished steel beams to break them into yet more rectangles. It would've entirely looked metallic if not for the cedar beams of the external porch and matching raised plant beds that contained only white blooms.In short, the house was beautiful. Mesmerising even and Luhan couldn't help but smile wider. Taking small steps on the creatively paved S-path, Luhan found himself standing in front of the closed door. Knocking softly, he waited for someone to open up. A minute passed away. He knocked again, little louder this time but no one came. Slightly confused, Luhan tried to peek in through the window to see if there was someone but much to his disappointment, the curtains were drawn together.

"Where is Sehun?" he mumbled to himself as he pressed the door bell. Once. Twice. Thrice.

Again nothing.

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