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What is love? Do you know?

No? Hmm, no problem.

Oh Sehun would like to share what he has learned about love in the past few days with us dummies. So listen carefully okay?

Now, basically, love is a feeling, an emotion. In the books and the poems, it is often described as something which is beautiful and magical and pure. It gives you the inspiration to achieve something, inspires to accomplish the craziest and amazing feats. When you're in love, it makes you feel a thousand feelings that you thought never existed. It can make you happier than you've ever been, sadder than you've ever been, angrier than you've ever been. You will find yourself feeling like a complete idiot sometimes, maybe even a douche and many a time, speechless. Also, often, you will feel jealous and your hands will be itching for some blood for certain reasons.

Exactly how Sehun's feeling right now.

Since the breakfast, Luhan had been blushing and being jumpy and way too excited. When asked, sure the doe tried his hard to hide it, and act normal, Sehun knew better. Because nothing can escape his eyes. Especially when its related to the person he loves. Since that conversation with the man-who-cannot-be-trusted happened, Sehun has been paying more attention to his pretty husband. The call Luhan received yesterday and how he has been acting like he was going on a date since the moment he woke up did mean that the game was on and that Sehun had to try harder if he wanted Luhan for himself. But what he did? Hmm, he watched the cute deer pouting and throwing his shirts away in frustration, cursing at his wardrobe and changing into multiple outfits before he finally decided with a check shirt with a grey t-shirt underneath and black denim. If you ask Sehun how Luhan looked then he would've chosen nice words like 'adorable' and 'beautiful', but unfortunately, it wasn't you. It was Luhan himself and Sehun may or may not have called him hideous and ugly. But can we really blame him? The poor guy was jealous beyond limits! How can someone as evil as Kris make Luhan like this so easily when he failed to even make him notice his feelings while they lived under the same roof and shared the same bed?

Was Sehun that bad?

Sighing, he stood like a rejected puppy by the window and watched Luhan getting into Kris's car and then disappear out of his sight. He wondered if this is how Luhan was going to get away from him... silently and quickly.

"No." Sehun suddenly blurted out. The mere thought of someone else stealing Luhan from him made his blood boil.

"I will not let you go Luhan! You are only mine!"

And with new found determination to get his love back, Sehun plotted the best plan ever.

Or so he thought.

Kris Wu was never nervous. He was always confident in everything he did. He has always been the kind of guy who was strong-headed, smart and collected. The word chaos didn't exist in his dictionary until came Luhan turning everything upside down. At first, Kris was only drawn to the doe-eyed boy because of his ethereal beauty but as soon as he started to know him better, he couldn't help but continue falling deeper and deeper. And now as he watched Luhan laughing at something he saw, he realized that the fact that he was married didn't matter anymore. Because Kris was going to fight for him.

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