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Baekhyun thought he will die because of a heart attack.

This was not expected.

Not at all.

How could he get pregnant? Well, he knows how but that wasn't a point. He was not ready for it. Hell, he'll never be ready for a child. Not when he lives in a hellish rundown apartment and have to work his ass off every day to earn a meal for the day. How will he pay for the expensive baby food and those fancy baby stuff when he didn't have a penny for himself? Along with the long, tiresome working hours, he had to attend his classes regularly, study hard to get a job with a better pay after he graduates.

Besides that, he had planned to buy a decent house in a nice neighborhood, a cheap yet nice car and the medical bills of his brother were still pending. How can he take care of a child in the midst of his chaotic, fucked up, penniless life? And on the top of everything else, he didn't know if Chanyeol will accept this..this baby. It just had been a day for crying out loud and he fucking became pregnant!


What a great way to start a relationship that you yourself don't know if is gonna last and now with a baby on its way, he will definitely be framed as a gold digger and a slut.

Fucking awesome.

Baekhyun wanted to pull his hairs in frustration and kill the fucking doctor who congratulated him and kept on blabbering about how much care and precautions he needs to take. He also dared to self-acclaim himself as his freaking gyno.

Like I fucking care! Baekhyun thought.

It was not like he hated children or something because he found them really adorable and someday he had planned to have one of himself too but this was not the right time. He had a lot of things going on in his life. Moreover, he was scared of how was he going to tell this to Chanyeol and how will the taller react to this big news.

Will he be happy?




Baekhyun didn't know.

Neither he could think about it.

All he hoped for was this to be a nightmare and when he'll wake up, he will be in his bed. So shutting his eyes, he opened it after a while only to find himself in the white room with Jongdae and the doctor on his either sides.

No no no..please no!

Baekhyun shut them again but nothing. He was welcomed by the bittersweet truth, and that broke him into a cold sweat.

"Please tell me you are joking and that I am just sick." Baekhyun almost pleaded. Maybe Jongdae was just trolling him. Maybe he was just suffering from food poisoning or something. Or maybe the doctor was an imposter who didn't know how to read the fucking reports.

Let it be any other thing except for..this! Please!

"Baekhyun, you are pregnant. Not sick but I have to say that you're undernourished. And now that you're having a baby, you need to rest well and eat healthy okay?" The doctor said with a genuine smile but the pregnant male was not buying it. He was sure that there had to be some mistake with his reports.

"How can I get pregnant this soon? No I can not! I am not fucking pregnant! You are all lying!" The brunette burst. The doctor opened his mouth to say something but Jongdae cut him off.

Don't Let Me GoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora