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"....is Baekh..huh...huh..hyun..h..uhh...he..re?"

It was the fifth hospital Chanyeol had came to in hopes of finding Baekhyun and he prayed to all the Gods present out there for the lady at the reception answer with a yes. He had been running miles for an hour and now he was completely tired. His lungs felt like it would explode anytime and his legs were all jelly. The expensive Dolce was ruined as well with his perfectly styled hair a mess. And with the panting and profuse sweating, Chanyeol knew he must be looking like an insane person.

"Umm, no Sir. I am sorry but there is no patient by the name Baekhyun here." The lady replied resulting in Chanyeol to let out a whimper.

Where the hell was he supposed to look for him? He had no strength left in his toned up body to even walk and running was out totally out of question. Oh if only he had asked Sehun where they were. Dejected, the young Park exited the building and sat outside. He had never felt this useless and incapable in his life ever. He didn't even have a clue of how Baekhyun was doing if their baby was safe neither he had any source to know. How can he be such an idiot to lose his cell phone!

Running his hands frustratingly through his sweaty hairs, Chanyeol groaned.

"Urrgghh! What am I gonna do!"

It had already been an hour since Baekhyun had been admitted with no news about his or Choco's condition.

It made Luhan freak out and enter the panic mode making everyone worried. His tears weren't stopping anytime soon when Kyungsoo tried to comfort him. The Chinese continued to sob and condemn himself. He even refused to eat or drink anything Minseok got for them, didn't listen to Jongdae's lame jokes. All he did was cry and cry. So Sehun took it upon himself to stop his melodramatic husband from creating a scene. Without saying a word, Sehun held Luhan's hand, much to everyone's surprise and dragged him outside the hospital.

"Where-where are you taking me!?" Luhan asked as he tried to free himself from the iron grip of Sehun. The taller didn't respond and kept walking with Luhan tailing behind him. And for the rest of the five minutes trip, he continued to do the same. Luhan kept on bugging him and fighting his grasp but the young Oh didn't stop until they found themselves standing in front of a small Ice-cream parlor. Luhan read the sign and then gawked at Sehun, his big eyes growing wide in confusion. The taller, like always, wasn't paying any attention to him as he was busy scanning the menu chart.

"Sehun, why are we he-"

Before Luhan could complete the question, Sehun turned to him, his hands casually in his pocket and spoke.

"You like mint, right?"

The shorter didn't know if he should feel pleased or surprised with the fact of Sehun being aware of his preference because as far as he could remember, he has neither told him about his favorites nor had they ever been out together to eat, excluding the dinner nights with his in-laws of course. But he swears he hasn't ordered dessert ever even then.

So how did he know?

"Why can't you even answer a simple question? Are you seriously that dumb or what?" Sehun grunted.

"Umm..yeah." Came the reply. Sehun hmmed and got in the queue.

"Go sit somewhere. I will bring the orders." Luhan nodded obediently and turned on his heels in search of a free table. He found one in the corner and settled on it, his mind still dwelling upon the question of how did Sehun know about his favorite ice-cream flavor. Now that he was thinking about it, there was this other thing that he realized. It was the first time ever Sehun has taken him out alone. Sure they had been together to the club before where he met-er..Kris but that was for his own selfish reason. A reason that not only broke Luhan's heart but also made him feel disgusted with himself for days.

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