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Sehun couldn't concentrate on anything.

First, he was really hungry as he hadn't eaten his dinner. Luhan had prepared some Chinese food and Sehun hated Chinese food.

Second, the project report he was writing for about three hours now suddenly became so boring that he thought he'll die because of it. Who the hell gives someone to write 400 pages in a night?

And last but not the least, the loud series of profanities and yellings that too in the middle of the dead night really got him pissed. From what he knew, Luhan was an early sleeper and riser. Waking up late wasn't his thing.

And cursing and screaming his lungs out?

Is he possessed?

Annoyed, Sehun banged open the door of his room and rushing down the stairs, his eyes fell on a screaming Luhan whose eyes were glued to the TV.

It seemed that he was watching some sport, soccer to be more specific as Sehun saw the men running and kicking the ball. But what he couldn't understand was this that what was the need to shout this much? It was just a fucking ball for god's sake!

"OH GOD! OH FUCK! RONNIE KILL IT! C'MON BABY!" Luhan's voice echoed in the room. Curious, Sehun turned to the match too but then he saw some player in different jersey saving the goal.

"Oh no no you fucking did not you crazy !"Luhan whined throwing off the cushion away in annoyance which hit the taller right in his face. It took a minute for Sehun to register what had actually happened and when it did, his vein popped.

"LUHAN!" Startled, the said boy turned around and saw a seething Sehun with the cushion holding in his hands.


Blood drained out of his face as he dropped the bowl of popcorn on the carpet.

He had hit Sehun.

With a pillow.

A fluffy, harmless, very fluffy, soft pillow.

And Sehun didn't look so comfortable with that.

"I'm so sorry Sehun! I didn't-I was just-OHMYGOD YESSS!" Luhan turned his attention back to the TV when he heard the fans screaming Ronaldo's name. Seemed like Portugal had finally managed to score a goal and Luhan couldn't be any happier than that. He had thought that his favorite player's team will lose but when you have Ronaldo, why worry?

Luhan was so busy celebrating the head on he finally got to see in the replay that he failed to notice flames coming from Sehun's ears and nose. He kept on screaming and shouting and chanting about how fucking cool Cristiano Ronaldo was and something about how he wanted to date the guy completely ignoring his husband's presence in the room.

And that didn't make the taller happy.

Where was the apology he deserved? Luhan hit him with a fucking pillow after all. It didn't hurt much but still. No one can hit the almighty Oh Sehun and get away just like that.


So seeking revenge, Sehun walked past the source of his annoyance and in a fraction of a second turned off the TV. The once alive electronic showing stupid men running around for nothing, which was the core reason of his hurt ego went dead and black. He shifted his gaze from the black screen to his husband's and he had to admit that the look on Luhan's face was priceless. It looked like he would cry any moment now and it really made Sehun happy.

"WHAT THE HELL! WHY DID YOU TURN IT OFF?" Luhan shot up from the couch, his fingers running through his hairs in frustration.

"Karma's a bitch, baby," Sehun smirked.

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