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The dinner had already started but Luhan's appetite was gone.

He couldn't bring himself to digest the truth he had just learned. Now everything makes sense to him. Why Kris avoided talking much about his past, why he didn't talk about his family and friends whenever Luhan asked, and why did he know about Sehun this much. Everything made sense now. But this didn't settle the anger that was riling up inside him. How can Kris try to court him and not say a word about his relationship with the Ohs when he knew everything? How can he say that he likes him when he was aware that Luhan was his younger brother's husband? How can he kiss him? As the memory played in his mind, Luhan dug his nails deeper into his palms. He wanted to be angry at the taller Chinese for what he did. He wanted to hate him for hiding the truth but he couldn't. Because if Kris had kept it as a secret, Sehun had also kept him in the dark for long. He also knew that Luhan was meeting up with Kris and yet he didn't say one single thing to him except for his nonsense teasings and weird behavior. It was kind of understandable if the elder Chinese hid it from him, but why did Sehun? Didn't he profess his love? Didn't he say he wants him back? Or maybe he, like always, didn't care about it. Maybe he was just saying things so that Luhan would agree to come to this party with him.

 Tonight, he came for this only, didn't he?

 And here he was, feeling like hell for pushing Sehun away.

"Why did you do it?" The petite boy asked. "Why did you hide it from me?"


"I just want to know why you didn't tell me Kris even when you knew very well who I am. So please just answer this." 

The taller bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut. What should he say? From where should he begin? What if after hearing the truth Luhan will refuse to stay in contact with him? What if he decides to leave him? Being a skilled manipulator, Kris could've easily made Luhan believe on whatever he says.

 However, he had been in too deep with him now to keep secrets. So taking a deep breath, he began hoping for the best.

"Sehun's my stepbrother. We have the same father but different mother, as you can clearly tell. When my Mom died, Dad decided to bring me here to Seoul. I hated the idea very much but after meeting Sehun and his mom, I changed my decision. I started to feel comfortable, started to like Sehun's company. "

"Slowly, his world became my world too and I was happy to be accepted. Things were going great but then suddenly Sehun changed. He started to hate me.. I didn't know why. He cut off all ties, refused to acknowledge me as his brother and it hurt me. But I was willing to mend my relationship with him so I kept on trying...until.. until he..."

Luhan noticed the way Kris's usually deep, confident voice cracked and the tears pooling up in his eyes.

"He.. seduced my boyfriend. That bastard. Your precious fucking husband hated my guts hence he decided to cross the boundary. He and Chanyeol, those two rascals took away the most important person from me and Tao didn't even think twice before leaving me. Since that day I've hated him and every other person who is associated with him." Kris spatted in disgust while Luhan could only stand frozen on his spot. His heart couldn't accept what he has just heard. Sehun isn't the nicest person in the world, he admits, but he also can't stoop so low. 

Can he?

"You're lying. Sehun is no-"

"-not like that?"  Kris scoffed.

 "Open your eyes Luhan! Stop being a fool in love! That guy is nothing but a cunning bastard who only thinks of himself! He only cares about himself and nobody else! If he did, he wouldn't have hurt you! He wouldn't have done those awful things to you! And here you are still loving him!" 

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