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The only word with an 'end' that everybody loves.

No work. No school or college. Nothing but the best time to give their body and mind, peace and rest.

But Baekhyun thought otherwise 'cause according to him, they were the best days to earn good money. Already having his schedule filled with like five part-time jobs for the five days of the week, he would always wait for the weekends.

You ask why?

Because on the weekends, he worked as a waiter in one of the most expensive hotels in the country and even though the job was a full-timer (which actually gave him no time to even breathe), the pay Baekhyun got was something that could pay off half the bills. Luhan and Minseok were already worried for his degrading health and scolded him always for overworking. They whined about how Baekhyun never spends much time with them and rarely ever goes on outings because they didn't understand. They were the rich kids who never have to think about a thing, while Baekhyun was the kind who desperately needed money. He couldn't even give a decent gift to his best friend on his wedding! Even though Luhan said he did not mind (and he never minds anything), Baekhyun felt ashamed. People may think of him as a man who had only befriended them because of their social status and was a freeloader but he was nothing of sort.


Startled by the scream, Baekhyun fell on his butt.

"FUCK YOU YOUNGKUK!" The boy hissed as he dusted off the dirt from his uniform. The hotel management was very strict with their dress policy and no kind of untidiness was accepted. Even a slight crease was alarming.

"These are the dishes to be served in the Boss's room," Yongkuk said placing the dishes on the table.

"I am not doing it! Tell someone else to do it! I am tired!" Baekhyun whined but Yongkuk wasn't paying any attention to him. He was busy eyeing the platters and making sure that the stroller was fine. It was for the first time he was asked to make dishes for their Boss and thus, he wanted to make everything perfect. But the screaming Baekhyun was making him think otherwise.

"You go quickly! The food will get cold and-"


"YOU ARE PAID TO DO YOUR JOB. NOT TO SLACK OFF! I WILL REPORT YOU TO THE MANAGER AND HE'LL DEFINITELY KICK YOU OUT!" And Yongkuk knew he has touched the right spot when he saw Baekhyun calming down. Although he felt guilty for using the 'firing card', he knew it was to be done for Baekhyun's own good. If their manager comes to know of it, he will make sure of kicking Baekhyun out without giving him any pay. This has happened before and by knowing how much the college student needed money, he was only helping him by being strict.

"Be careful, okay?" The elder said softly and handed the stroller to the young waiter. Frustratingly, Baekhyun pushed the decorated stroller out of the kitchen and went for the employees' elevator at the back. When the ding sound was heard, the seething waiter stepped out of the box carefully with the dishes.

"Fucking Yongkuk! Who the hell does he think he is to threaten me?" He cursed under his breath.


"I slack off? Huh! Bitch! Doesn't he remember how many times I've covered for him? That ungrateful bastard!"


"And he will report to who? That retarded manager who himself does not know what he is doing? Huh, great!"

Another right.

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