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"You..want me to WHAT?!?" Chanyeol stared at his best friend in disbelief.

He was sulking on his bed when Sehun had called and said it was an emergency. The taller didn't have to ask further because in his dictionary emergency equaled to Baekhyun and his baby. The poor guy didn't bother to change and came rushing to the other's house in sweats and messy hairs with a badly thumping heart. He even kept praying to every deity he could remember throughout the twenty minutes drive and now that his prayers had been answered ( because thank god, Baekhyun and my baby are safe), he wondered if he should burn Sehun for pulling such a prank on him.

"You called me here because you wanted to eat home-made Chinese food?" Sehun nodded sheepishly.

"But you hate Chinese."

"I....no...?" Chanyeol narrowed his eyes as he scanned the younger's face. The usually poker-faced, soulless friend of his looked so nervous right now. Not to forget the red appearing on his face. And what was this sudden demand of eating Chinese food when he hated it? He always used to whine and throw a tantrum when he and Jongin would plan to go to a Chinese restaurant. Chanyeol kept his clogs running until a smirk appeared on his face.

"Oh.. I know what is this," The taller of the two sneered. "You're doing this to impress Luhan, aren't you?"

Sehun didn't respond and that was enough of an answer. And as much as surprising it was, Chanyeol was happy that his best friend has finally realized it and as Sehun's best friend, it was his duty to help the guy. Hence, putting on the apron, he walked towards the kitchen with a fake scowl on his face (because duh, I still have not forgiven him!)

"You owe me a big-time Oh fucking Sehun." The said man followed the other and slammed his hands on the counter.

"What big time? If you don't remember, I saved your bitch and your baby. So it's you who owe me!"

Chanyeol froze in his place. His mind was back thinking about Baekhyun again. He wanted to see him, he wanted to meet him. He had read online that pregnant people tend to feel dizzy and weak in the starting months. That they throw up a lot and get tired easily. Chanyeol wanted to know if Baekhyun was going through it, if he was doing fine and getting enough rest. Was he taking proper care of himself and their baby? Did he need anything?

Ah, why won't he? Stupid Chanyeol.

Yet, he wished if he could just talk about all these to Baekhyun. Not because he didn't trust him... but because he wanted to show that Chanyeol cared... that he was there with him.

"How..how's he?" Chanyeol asked. There was a long pause before Sehun deadpanned.

"Perfectly fine, if that means making my life miserable."

At that, Chanyeol only rolled his eyes and began to cut the onions.

Baekhyun woke up to a growling stomach. He couldn't believe that he was hungry when he ate only a few hours ago.

"Ah, Choco-ya.. you are going to make me fat." The male pouted as he rubbed his eyes cutely. Settling against the bedhead, he was wondering if Luhan came back with his chicken or not when a delicious aroma hit his nostrils turning on all his hazy senses. It was, without a doubt the smell of sesame oil and soy sauce and Baekhyun couldn't stop smiling.

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