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*walking away with head low*

As soon as Jongin walked out of the club, he felt like banging his head on the wall. Sehun's sudden confession had made him go all crazy, his feelings all over the places. He wanted to kill himself for going all jelly and weak just because of a lustful kiss.

They have practically spent like half of their lives together and yet he couldn't figure out that Sehun liked him. All those times when he wanted to do something and Chanyeol or his parents disagreed with him, Sehun would always be there to help him out. No matter how silly Jongin sounded, Sehun would always listen to him and even smile at his stupid jokes when everyone else couldn't even get it. It was Sehun who made his heart flutter for the first time, his first crush.

Chanyeol was the first one to notice because fuck-that goof is a great observant. He even told him to confess to Sehun because according to him, he liked him back but being plain stupid, Jongin thought that the giant was just fooling around. But now that he knows that his taller friend was speaking the truth, he didn't regret his decision of not confessing to Sehun.

Not a bit.

Because he knew they were never meant to be.

Jongin knew Sehun wasn't the one when he met Kyungsoo for the first time at younger's house, his heartbeat miles per second. One glance at the owl-eyed boy and Jongin could see their future in each others' embrace. It was silly but that was how it was. And after spending more time with Kyungsoo, he realized that Sehun was nothing but puppy love whereas Kyungsoo, he was more than that.

Jongin wanted to smack himself as the stupidity he did back in the club flashed in front of his eyes and he felt so low of himself. Kyungsoo was an angel who has given him all his love, trusted him more than anything else and has always supported him. Maybe they hadn't been together for much time but it felt like they've known each other since forever.

He was his destined one.

His true love.

So without wasting any time, he sped to his car and drove to a certain place in his mind. When the S.M. Hospital came into view, he pulled in and rushed to the reception.

"Where is Do Kyungsoo? He is a uh.. student here.." he asked. The nurse looked at him with judging eyes but nonetheless answered.

"Umm...he is in the ER..first flo-" but before she could complete her sentence, Jongin disappeared. He must've been looking so out of place with his satin silk shirt and tight skinny jeans, running like a madman in the corridor and he could literally feel the people boring holes into his head but he didn't care. He had something important to do and as his eyes fell on the one he was searching for, he stopped at the spot.

Kyungsoo was looking at his clipboard and then saying something to the male next to him with a serious look on his face and Jongin couldn't help but feel his heart swell. The shorter looked so adorable in the white lab coat and thin reading glasses balanced on his small nose that made Jongin fall in love all over again with him. To him, he looked like some water spirit-pure and innocent. He was unfailingly kind, he always put others first and himself last. No matter how tired he was even after the night shifts/classes, Kyungsoo always made sure that he spends time with Jongin as well and never for once whined about how tired he felt. Kyungsoo was nothing but an angel in disguise and with each passing second of his life, Jongin admired his lover more and more.

And there you were...getting lost in someone else's touch! How can you even dare to cheat on him you stupid jerk?

Silently leaning on the sidewall, Jongin sighed, slipping his hands in his pocket and watched the two males talking and as much as he wanted to stride and just drag Kyungsoo somewhere quiet, he knew it would be very unprofessional of him to do so at his boyfriend's workplace. So he kept waiting for them to bid goodbye and it felt like luck was on his side when he heard them saying bye. Without wasting another single moment, Jongin took large steps towards his boyfriend.

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