Chapter 7: The Argument

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A/N: Rock and Revy soon get into a bit of an argument with one another.

After all the stuff back at the church of violence, you and rock were now just sitting around with Revy.

Rock: Oh, man... We should've timed this a little better. It's crowded.

(Y/N): soup? I'm not here to judge, but I don't think Revy is the kind of soup person. Seriously......"whispers" I don't even think it's soup.

Rock: It's noodles.

(Y/N): if you say so.

Rock hands her a bowl.

Rock: Let's eat before it gets cold.

Revy ignored her as she was still looking the other way.

Revy: I don't want to eat.

Rock: Try it. The meal will make you feel better.

Revy: Why don't you give me the keys? I'll go home on my own.

Rock: If you do that, I can't get back.

(Y/N): yeah seriously, you're not leaving us out here.😐

Revy: Why don't you walk?

Rock: That's not going to happen.

(Y/N): definitely not.

Revy: Know what? You should go back to Japan. You're just not cut out for this.

Rock: Well, you're the one who invited me.

Revy: Yep, really fucked up there.

Rock: I wonder. Maybe you can tell me who kept the church from becoming a bloodbath today? It's just like that old lady said, you can't solve everything with a gun.

Revy: I'm warning you... You better watch what you say, Rock.

(Y/N): oh for the love of....

Rock: You've been like this ever since the submarine.

Revy: Humph.

Rock: Was it our talk?

(Y/N): talk?

Revy: it's none of your damn business.

She then turned to rock while putting out her cigarette.

Revy: Who cares! I told you never to talk about that again.

Rock: Revy. I'm not going to apologize anymore.


(Y/N): oh shit. 0_0

Rock started to slurp the juice from the noodle bowl.

Revy: I musta misheard you. You better hope I did, otherwise you're a fuckin' dead woman.

Rock stopped.

Rock: Is that so?

She then slammed the bowl onto the table and stood up with her hands still on the table. She started to yell.

Rock: In that case, I'll say it again! I didn't make any mistake! I've nothing to apologize for! That's what I'm saying!

Revy then stood up.

(Y/N): and, shit's about to get real.

You stood up ad well.

Revy: That's a shame... You just stepped on a non-negotiable, big ass fuckin' landmine.

She pulled out her gun and got it ready. The people near by noticed. She pointed it right at rock's head but she didn't even flinch.

Revy: Like I said... a real shame. There's just one last thing I need to ask you. What do you want on your tombstone, cocksucker?

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