Chapter 9: She Ain't Human

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A/N: you and the others find yourselves against a maid who seems to be more than she appears.

You were all standing before the maid named Roberta as she had just gunned down a man with her umbrella which was actually a gun.

Dutch: what's this....didn't the bar just reopen?

(Y/N): gotta wonder what time and effort she put into making a gun like that.

Revy: She's sure blasting something flashy.

Garcia was shocked from the Sight he had just seen. Some of the other men in the bar started go get pissed and pulled out their guns.

Roberta: please do as you wish, if you can.

Garcia: roberta!

You, Rock and Revy turned to him.

(Y/N): now I know why she wasn't good with the other stuff at home.

The men started to shot as roberta dodged the bullets. And opened up the umbrella to block them. Once they had all stopped firing, Roberta moved the umbrella, showing she used the suitcase as a shield. She fired at one of them again and even knocked the clothes off of him and he was sent flying into a pillar.

(Y/N): but Christ, what kind of bullets is she using?

She fired at another one and sent him flying out the window. You picked up a table and used it as a shield for the others while the fighting continued. One of the men tried running at roberta but she pointed the gun at him and fired just as he put his hands in the air. The other men tried to start firing back, but she blew each of them away one at a time.

Dutch: quite unexpectedly, we've walked right into a very bad fight. But the fact that they're going at it works in our favor. How about we take off while they're busy?

Rock: take off?

(Y/N): and to where exactly?

Dutch: we can go fishing at phuket beach until this cools down. I'm not in the mood for drinking with a gunfight on the side. I'm no Giuliano Gemma.

(Y/N): yeah, it's not exactly I kind of thing either.

Revy: Hey, will you hurry up and decide if we're gonna shoot or not?

Benny: good call. I vote not to shoot.

Dutch: kid stays here. Don't wanna go for a walk with a claymore landmine.

Revy: but he's worth something, Dutch.

(Y/N): this coming from the woman who's been hitting him the whole time before coming here.

Dutch looked at the exit.

Dutch: the exit became a war zone while we were talking. There's no way out of there.

(Y/N): any other ideas then?

Dutch: this kid isn't money anymore. We'll leave him here, okay?

Rock: but that's...

Revy: we've got no choice. Damn, damn, fuck!

She said as she was crawling away from the table.

Dutch: now then.

They all started to crawl away from the table to avoid bullets. You kneeled down to Garcia.

(Y/N): listen kid, if you know what's good for you, don't move from this spot until the gunfire dies down. When it gets quiet, leave this place and go home to Venezuela with your maid.

He only looked up at you with small tears.

Garcia: I.......I don't know.....

He looked to a man bleeding out.

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