Chapter 10: Doomsday vs Bloodhound: (Y/N) takes on Roberta

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A/N: you take on Roberta at the port to end the chase for good. But there was more to the maid that you thought. (Revy takes her on too. But that's during some parts when your fighting Roberta).

Dutch: move outta the way!

Rock grabs Garcia and they both duck as Dutch shoots where roberta was still holding onto the car.

Garcia: no! Don't shoot roberta!

She dodged them while holding onto the knife which was keeping her on the back of the car.

Dutch: If something like this could kill her, we wouldn't have this problem, kid.

Roberta jumps onto the roof of the car. She pulls out two guns and starts shooting.

Garcia: roberta!

Dutch got out another gun and started to shoot up at her. Benny then gets cut off the main road by a truck and goes a different direction.

Benny: Dutch! We're off the main road! This leads to the ocean. It's a dead end ahead.

The car enters the port and starts to hit into a few things.

Benny: this is not good.

(Y/N): I swear to god, I've died to a flying jackass wearing tights. I will not die to the likes of you!

You grabbed the roof the the car and started to push up on it.

Dutch: what are you doing?!

You ripped the entire roof off and threw it when roberta still on.

(Y/N): begone!

Just as you did that, the car crashed into a dead end. It was silent for a few seconds after the car crashed until Dutch finally spoke again.

Dutch: There's a payoff for being religious. All survivors, answer me.

Rock: we're safe, somehow.

Dutch: what about Revy?

Rock looked to her. She was still out.

Rock: she's still unconscious, peacefully.

Rock looked to you but you answered before she asked.

(Y/N): I'm good.

Roberta landed head the car, still alive.

Benny: what in the world is the woman maid of?!

(Y/N): I think it's time I showed that maid who she's dealing with.

You said stepping out of the car. Revy started to twitch.

Revy: ....d..........damn it.

Rock looked to her.

Rock: Revy.

Revy: damn it. What happened to that damn bitch! Is she dead? Well?!

Dutch: you'll be glad to know that she's alive and well. But probably not for long.

Revy looked outside and saw you approaching roberta.

(Y/N): if you want the boy so badly you only needed to ask nicely. But now, that choice has been exhausted.

Revy: That's just delightful. More than anything else.

Revy kicked open the door.

Rock: Revy! Wait!

Revy pointed the gun at rock's head.

Revy: Rock. I'm about to become as red as a tail light. When that's over, I won't be able to warn you, even if I'm about to give you extra assholes.

Doomsday Reader x Black Lagoon [Male Reader Insert] (Discontinued).Where stories live. Discover now