Chapter 2

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Leigh-Anne and Jade sat on the floor in our dressing room, playing a round of UNO. I lied on the couch, worried sick about Jesy. She disappeared right after the show ended. It'd been nearly thirty minutes since she took off.

"I'm sure she's fine. Sometimes it takes time to do your business" Jade shrugged, clearly not worried about her bandmate.

"Give her ten more minutes. If she's not back by then, we'll go look for her" Leigh-Anne said softly.

"Aren't you guys worried about her? I mean, she's had headaches and nausea for the past two weeks. That's not normal. Should I take her to a doctor?"

The two older women released a sigh. Putting down the cards they securely held in their hands, they directed their brown eyes at me, gave me their full attention.

"Look, Perrie, headaches and nausea are a given due to the life we are living. We're never home, we work 24/7. I'm sure Jesy's body is just reacting to the stress she's subjected to" Leigh-Anne said matter-of-factly.

"We have the show in Montréal tomorrow, then we have two days off. Hopefully, those two days will be enough for Jesy to recover. Don't get yourself too worked-up, Pez, it's not good for you" Jade said.

"As if this is good for Jesy. I know something's wrong. I have this feeling, which gets stronger with each day. You don't walk around with severe headaches and nausea for two weeks just because you're stressed. If you did, I'd have headaches all the time. You would too. A doctor should take a look at her, just so we can rule out..."

I couldn't get myself to say the word. Only the thought of my Jesy being diagnosed with it made me sick to my stomach.


My fellow Geordie took the word right out of my mouth. Locking eyes with her, I nodded, as to confirm what she said. Jade exchanged a sad look with Leigh-Anne, then she grabbed ahold of both my hands.

"Is that what you're so worried about? Our Jesy having cancer?" Jade asked, her voice tender.

"What if she has it? What do we do? What do I do?" I asked sadly.

"She doesn't have cancer, Perrie" Leigh-Anne said softly.

"How can you be so sure?"

Leigh-Anne opened her mouth to reply, but closed it almost instantly. That's what I thought. Neither of the two older women could guarantee our fellow bandmate didn't have the deadly disease. All they could do was guess, they couldn't know for sure.

"Keep entertaining yourself with your stupid card game, I'm gonna look for my girlfriend" I sighed.

"We'll come with you" Leigh-Anne and Jade said in unison.

With that being said, we left the dressing room. Jade's slender fingers were still intertwined with mine. I found a little comfort in that, in holding her hand, although Jesy's hand was the one I enjoyed to hold the most.

After searching for the ginger-haired beauty for almost fifteen long minutes, we arrived at the last place of the backstage section where we hadn't looked yet. Opening the bathroom door, the view that appeared before our eyes had us all gasping in shock; Jesy lied in a pool of her own vomit on the white floor tiles.

"Oh my Gosh, Jessica!"

Worried about our fellow bandmate, the three of us ran to her side, where we seconds later fell down onto our knees. Observing the oldest Little Mix member, I noticed she was unconscious. Her slightly open mouth revealed a brown/yellowish chunky liquid. Vomit. It dripped from the corners of her mouth. Her chest barely rose and fell, meaning the vomit blocked her airways.

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