Chapter 10

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These last few days had been rather difficult. For all of us. My headaches had gotten worse, so had my nausea. Actually, my health in general had gone south and it didn't seem like it would get better any time soon.

I was tired all the time, I lost consciousness every now and then, I forgot simple words such as 'keys' and 'door', I even forgot my own bandmates' names!

The worst part was that the person I loved, the person who'd been there for me for almost six years, slowly was being erased from my memory. And I couldn't do anything to stop it from happening.

Nothing had been good this week, or the last two weeks for that matter. The two only good things this week was that I didn't need to wear an oxygen mask anymore. I could breathe perfectly fine on my own.

The other good thing was that we won Favourite Global Music Star at Kids' Choice Awards yesterday. Winning an orange blimp brought us a little bit of happiness, a little bit of light in this time of darkness, which we all were in desperate need of.

Seeing Perrie smile when the presenters announced us as the was the highlight of these troublesome few weeks. And it was nice to see her happy, something she hadn't been in a while.

Knowing I was the reason to her unhappiness pained me greatly. I hated that her happiness had vanished into thin air because of me. I was supposed to lift her up, to make her days brighter. Not bring her down.

"What are you thinking about, baby?"

Perrie brought me out of my thoughts by kissing my nose. Giggling, I fixated my eyes on the blonde beauty who'd stolen my heart. She looked so darn adorable. All I wanted to do was crash my lips onto hers and kiss her until her lips became numb.

Brushing hair from her face and gently tucking it behind her ear, I tilted my throbbing head to the right and leaned in.

"I'm thinking about how badly I want you to kiss me" I said seductively.

The blonde's piercing blue eyes looked longingly at my slightly parted lips. She tore her gaze from my lips, looked into my eyes, and then looked back at the part of me she so badly wanted to taste.

Mumbling 'what the hell', the blonde tilted her head to her right, leaned in and closed the gap between us. Our lips moved in sync as we savoured each other's tastes. A moan slipped from my lips when she slid her skilled tongue into my mouth.

"Uhm, guys, Jade and I are here too, you know. So could you, uh, please stick to kissing?" Leigh-Anne asked nervously.

"Shut up, Leigh" Perrie replied jokingly.

Chuckling at my girlfriend's comment, I brought our lips back together. We were two moaning messes, but we couldn't care less. It had been a while since last time I got to kiss her for real, we deserved an intimate moment like this. Leigh-Anne and Jade could exit the room any time they wanted. We didn't hold them at gunpoint.

We were interrupted by Doctor Manning and Doctor Halstead walking into the room. Both looked like they'd just found out a family member had been killed. Sad doctors were no good sign. You didn't have to be Albert Einstein to understand that.

My grip of Perrie's hand tightened when they hung up the results from my MRI on the light box on the cream-coloured wall.

Now I was no doctor, but I knew that the white mass that invaded a huge part of my brain wasn't supposed to be there.

And the girls knew it too. Their skin turned pale when it hit them what it was they were staring at. They looked like they were close to fainting.

I held onto Perrie's hand even harder when Doctor Manning opened her mouth to announce what had been bothering me for so long.

"Miss Nelson, you have stage 4 Glioblastoma."

The fan-project in Manchester last night was absolutely beautiful. I've seen videos from last night's show and oh my god, it turned me into a sobbing mess. Thank you for showing those signs, for paying tribute to the twenty-two angels that were taken from us too soon ❤️️


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